9.11 or Dharma2Beta
Has the 9.11 Live release been fixed to not need a CD drive to be installed? When installing from USB using Unitbootin, it errors saying it cant find a CD drive...

Also, with Dharma2beta - I installed it yesterday and notice that in 9.11 all my directories (TV and FILM folders) were in the 'videos' folder, with the tv shows showing in 'tv shows' etc.
But in Dharma2beta, even after mapping the folder, it is just not the same, the 'videos' folder just opens to all my TV shows... as does the 'TV shows' folder.. Am I missing something?
Sounds like you news to map your shares and set content on each folder.
I you want seperate section on the home screen goto settings> skin a d hide video and unhide tv and movies.

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9.11 or Dharma2Beta0