[Linux] XBMC on Mint 9 with ASUS at5ion-i (Atom D525 & ION2) driver issues

After spending a day of intense googling and re-installing I have to give up. I'm a guy with 15 years of Windows under my belt and I decided to take a dive into Linux with my new HTPC and I can tell you: it's a challenge. What I try to accomplish is to get Mint running my XBMC on this particular at5ion-i box. Here's where I am now:

1) Mint installed from USB stick to a 40GB SSD
2) I followed the Step by Step XBMC to Ubuntu guide which means these steps:
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties pkg-config
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xbmc xbmc-standalone
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libvdpau1 nvidia-185-libvdpau
sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 0x6d975c4791e7ee5e

What I end of up with is a system with incorrect drivers for my chipset and GFX. It runs but I can't start the "Nvidia x server settings" but I get "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. ......" and instruction to run nvidia-xconfig, but that gives an error too about xorg.conf.

I've tried to follow a million different instructions but without results. The guides normally either recommend downloading a driver from NVIDIA (some .run file for ION GFX), kill the x and "sudo sh" the file. I can get these to run (pre tasks do fail) but normally it compiles kernel and sets the config for x but after reboot I get video error message.

Another path I've tried to follow suggested by the instructions was the "Synaptic Package Manager", filter with NVIDIA and I've installed a few different versions (173 for example) after which they come visible in the "Hardware drivers tool" (this is apparently the same as 'jockey') but if I use the tool to use them it does no difference.

In the middle of all this I manage to get into two modes: 'faster mode' (apparently some acceleration works) but can't open the Nvidia settings and a 'slower mode' (purely generic drivers I assume) where resolution is bit worse and when dragging windows they lag quite a bit. Neither of these make my nvidia settings work nor can I start XBMC (OpenGL card needed or whatever).

I'm quite a wiz with pc hardware and windows, but not I'm clueless what to do next and would really be interested jumping into the linux world as this Mint version seems quite nice. Help me out mates!

I've become quite good in installing Mint though with about 5 attempts at it so far, but no cigar with the driver part! I'd really need some step by step handholding here! Thanks in advance!
a) what hardware? (edit: forget that part, I'm just too stupid today I guess...)
b) why mint?
c) already tried the x-swat ppa?

after realizing you have an ION2 set-up my conclusion is that the nvidia drivers are way too old and won't recognize the ion2. use the new ones from the x-swat ppa.
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[Linux] XBMC on Mint 9 with ASUS at5ion-i (Atom D525 & ION2) driver issues0