[Live] N00b Needs Help
Hi guys, look ive got literally no background knoledge of Linux,
however ive installed and gotten XBMC all loaded onto a 80GB partition of my Windows (1TB) HDD.

Can someone give me a way to import all of my movies, they are located on my windows installation (obviously they wont fit on there, im assuming XBMC can work from external disks?)

is there a way to search in other HDD's because at the moment i am restricted to just my XBMC partition.

help appreciated. thanks.
Look i've spent the last 2 hours on the net, looking for a solution. and finally i sort of found an option.

it informs me that any linux installation requires you to mount any NTFS drive for it to be visible.

is this correct? if so, how do i do it?
not a Linux expert but have you considered using the Live version from USB:

that looks great, but i installing this a prototype for the dedicated HTPC i plan on making in the future, also, , i have had many corruption errors with removing, inserting bootable USB's.

The OP in that thread said he was sick of installing HDD's therefore it has to be able to be done somehow.

EDIT: oh yeah, and of course. if i boot from a USB, i still have the problem of having no drives installed....
I have found my solution, it lied within this post


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