Dharma B4 questions
Hi, I am really exited about this release, it is looking pretty good, just a couple of questions.

1- is the MCERemote really working? I am using it for my cheap usb remote I bought from ebay (http://cgi.ebay.com/USB-PC-Remote-Contro...4cf2e4dcba and since every button works out of the box but the colored four destinated to music, movies, photos, tv.. so I wanted to configure them to see info of the videos (keyboard "i"), toggle subtitles on/off (keyboard "f") and so on with the others. Maybe set the power button to show the shutdown options, instead of really shut down my pc. But I assign the propper keys save the config, reboot and nothing happens... any help?

2- audio on mkv 5.1 files is really low.. I used to use the "downmix to stereo on 5.1" or something like that that was available on 9.10, any help? I can't find the audio mixer app..

I am using a zotac ion 330 motheboard..

groggycl Wrote:1- is the MCERemote really working? I am using it for my cheap usb remote I bought from ebay

The MCERemote plugin will only configure remotes that use the Microsoft ehome driver i.e. Microsoft compatibles. I think the remote you have uses the same electronics as this one, http://wiki.xbmc.org/?title=Remote_Contr...MCE_remote, and if you want the coloured buttons to work you'll need to manually modify your keyboard.xml. The button config on the remote is hard wired and cannot be changed, so you can't modify the way the power button works.

oooo I was affraid of that.. thanks anyways!

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