[LINUX] Can't transfer files to my xbmc Live

I am doing some button mapping and I Can’t transfer any modified files back to my Dir: /usr/src/asus-at3iont-i-deluxe-1.0.1/drivers/hid-philips-asus

I am using SFTP in filezilla and have also tried WinSCP
Acess denied is all i get.

Is it possible?, or if not can i do it in terminal mode?

Michael-Linux noobHuh
use root account
m3g4tr0n Wrote:use root account

I am using the same login and password for the xbmc
username: xbmc
password: xbmc

isn't that the Root account?
The regular xbmc user cannot copy to those directories.
user xbmc can ONLY modifiy files under /home/xbmc

xbmc is NOT the root account. It has NO root account.

You must ssh into the machine and prefix your commands with sudo (use xbmc for password). You can transfer files via scp or a usb drive.
if you want to enable root the account, you can ssh and use the command below to set a password for root

sudo passwd root

if using the root account and you transfer files to /home/xbmc make sure to change the owner:group to xbmc. WinSCP | right click file/folder > properties
m3g4tr0n Wrote:if you want to enable root the account, you can ssh and use the command below to set a password for root

sudo passwd root

if using the root account and you transfer files to /home/xbmc make sure to change the owner:group to xbmc. WinSCP | right click file/folder > properties

Thats fine and dandy but there is a reason its locked out.


Quote:Enabling the root account is rarely necessary. Almost everything you need to do as administrator of an Ubuntu system can be done via sudo

Quote:Use at your own risk!

Quote:Logging in to X as root may cause very serious trouble. If you believe you need a root account to perform a certain action, please consult the official support channels first, to make sure there is not a better alternative.

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[LINUX] Can't transfer files to my xbmc Live0