Change view button (id = 2) not working in Dharma RC1?
Since Dharma RC1 (first version where I noticed this) I can't use the "Change View" button in a script addon anymore. It fires an onClick-event but nothing happens.

I checked if there is a bug in my addon (Rom Collection Browser) but I am quite sure that it is a change in XBMC. Anybody else noticed this or knows if there have been changes and how to solve this?

Hi there,

Yes, this is a known issue. I'm pondering the best way to fix. Ideally XBMC would handle the viewas button itself and wouldn't even send on the click to the script. Would that work for you? I've committed this to trunk in r35534 - will test your script and backport to Dharma if everything works.

The less ideal solution is to do what we did before - XBMC will handle the button itself AND send the click to the script.

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Hi Jonathan,

thanks for your reply. Not sending the event would work (for me).

If you have trouble to set up the script, just let me know. I started to write a test script for this issue and it is already half done. It would not be much work to finish it. Otherwise you could use the current RCB version in the repo with this test scenario or the latest test version with this startup guide.

I got the script working, thanks - it's already been backported ready for Dharma RC2 (and final).

BTW: checking for revision doesn't work with debug builds on win32 - just for future reference (you check rev in the script)

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Thanks! For the fix and the hint. I think I have to change (or remove) the complete compatibility code anyway.

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Change view button (id = 2) not working in Dharma RC1?0