Games not showing online games
i got the link between my xbox and pc to work great. i can see arenas, etc. then i go select halo 2 (also tried just halo) and hit play. the game starts, i go under system link but im the only one listed. its not seeing the arena i joined. any ideas?
i sometimes (with halo 2) have the excat same problem. sometimes it helps if i reboot the xbox and try again imediately, then imediately join a game...
you gotta be patient.. Cool ..stuff like this happens..just as hojou said, reboot, and/or try a different arena, keep trying :d
for some reason i get the same problem for every game. under diagnostics it says network reachable, i have forwarded the port needed. my xbox contacts the service and i can browse through all the games fine and even chat with people but when i go into an arena then select play, the game boots up and i go into system link games and no games what so ever will pop up. so far the only way i have been able to play any game on xlink is to have it on my computer and go into halo 2 and the americas on the gui on my pc then go to the xbox and launch halo 2 then go to system link and the games will start popping up and refreshing all the time. other than that nothing works for me.

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