Dharma and the database
Where is the mymusic/myvideo databases stored at for Darma?

Are they still SQLite or are they MySQL now?
sqlite, and still in your userdata folder.
Fiasco Wrote:Where is the mymusic/myvideo databases stored at for Darma?

Are they still SQLite or are they MySQL now?

You can store them centrally in MySQL if you wish. This is advantageous if you have multiple XBMC's set up throughout your house.

See the wiki for more info.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
Fiasco Wrote:Where is the mymusic/myvideo databases stored at for Darma?

Are they still SQLite or are they MySQL now?

The exact location of the database files will be dependent on your OS. They will be in the Database folder located inside your Userdata folder. By default they are still SQLite, but you can configure MySQL for Music and Video if you wish. You will need to setup some schemas and username/password info on the MySQL server first, and then follow the instructions on the wiki to get XBMC to point to that server.

Thank you for your quick responses.

With Camelot my pretty iPad meta data interface ceased to work (scrapers were no longer pulling fanart, discography, biography and the like, just the album covers and basic data)

I updated to Dharma.

The database files were actually stored in my Application Data folder for my windows (XP) profile. I use portable mode so I relaunched w/ the -p argument to xbmc.exe.

The database files were actually stored in c:\program files\xbmc\portable_data\userdata folder instead of the previous camelot location of c:\program files\xbmc\userdata which threw me a curve.

I revised my HTTP server and my perl scripts and now all of my metadata is being scraped up fine by Dharma and served up correctly to my iPad home control interface.

I just installed the MySQL mod for my Thecus N7700 7x2gb Raid Server. I don't currently have more then one XBMC installation running in my home (although it is distributed to three tv's) but will probably transition to that anyway.

Thanks Again!

My home automation iPad interface for XBMC is now happy again

Fiasco Wrote:... I don't currently have more then one XBMC installation running in my home (although it is distributed to three tv's) ...

Slightly off topic - how does this distribution work, if I may ask?
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