Add a % threshold to mark files as watched?

I clicked through 4 pages of suggestions and also searched for "watched" did not show any results, so forgive me if I'm duplicating an already existing request.

I understand that xbmc will only mark a file as watched if it plays all the way through to the end of a file. (i.e. current timeline play-value = total-time/100%)

I would very much like to see a user option to set this.

Being in Australia, we have a lot crap TV down here, and so us aussies rely on a lot of international entertainment.

I have often been caught out as to which episode of a TV show I'm up to, because i always tend to end the previous episode before the end of file is reached, and hence xbmc does not mark it as being watched. Same is true for movies... who ever watches the credits ALL the way through?

So, I'm suggesting a percentage option in the preferences, whereby if I set it to say.. 80% for example, xbmc will flag the file as being watched once 80% of the file is reached.

What do people think?

Feature already exists. You set it in advancedsettings.xml:

Quote:<playcountminimumpercent>90</playcountminimumpercent> <!--Minimum percentage that has to be played before it is marked as watched. Set to 101 to never auto-mark items as watched -->

For more info see the wiki:
[slap_forehead] oh,

soz, will look/search a tad more next time [/slap_forehead]
No problem. We've all done it.

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Add a % threshold to mark files as watched?0