Plugins Folder is missing
I have just installed Ubuntu 10.04 and all updates. Then I installed XBMC using the instructions at the top of the page located at this link:

Everything seems to be working, but I am not able to install any plugins that I have downloaded (i.e. the Hulu plugin).

When I go into the .XBMC folder there is NO Plugins folder.

Could someone please explain to me, How to get this Plugins folder to show up and How to get my downloaded 'Plugins' installedHuh

Thank you,
Separate plugins/scripts have been superseded by the Add-On system. You can install add-ons from the repository straight from the settings screen.
Ok. So what you're saying is that everything is added as an "add-on" through the settings menu.

When I was going through and adding items or add-ons through XBMC I was only able to add the ones that was listed there "in XBMC" by default.

For example, I wanted to add Hulu to the list under the Videos menu so that I could watch those videos. I did not see anything for Hulu. I saw add-ons for Fox News and Youtube for example, but there was nothing for Hulu.

How do I add items to the repositoryHuh How do I add HuluHuh

If an add-on isn't listed then it probably hasn't been ported to Dharma. There are add-ons that aren't in the XBMC list, often because they're still in development. For these you can download the zip from wherever the author has posted it and use the "Install from zip" option.

I can't remember what the position is with Hulu. I remember that there was a problem (possibly because it's Silverlight based?) that stopped an add-on being written. Have you tried searching the forum for "Hulu"?


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