[iPad] iPad AC3 Audio?
First off, thank you thank you thank you!!!

I cant beleive that this has actually happened. I am going out to buy myself a new Apple TV tomorrow itself to replace my old Apple TV which cant play most of the 720p media I have.

In the meantime though I jailbroke my iPad and loaded XBMC onto it.

Everything plays fine, but I have two questions.

1. All my movies with AC3 audio play funny, in that the voice (which I am assuming is the center channel) plays only from one earphone, but when there is stereo music playing (in the background etc) it plays from both ears. I have checked the settings and it says Analog output with 2.0 speakers.

2. Is there any easy way to skip forward in movies by 10 minutes (like we hit the right arrow in the windows version). Its quite a pain to fast forward even at 32x to reach the spot where you want to go.

Great work again guys.


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[iPad] iPad AC3 Audio?0