XBMC support for HD audio and m2ts?
Hi, was just wondering if it's able to enable HD sound, such as TrueHD or DTS-HD? And is it able to play .m2ts files? Is it possible with an external player? Will there be a support for this in the future? Thanks
Yes it supports .m2ts nativly. Does NOT support HD audio nativly currently, but yes this is possible using the external player method on this page and no doubt they are working towards it Smile
TrueHD is supported completely, and by supported I mean it will decode the stream and either send it LPCM over 5.1/7.1 or mix it down to 2.1.

DTS-HD is not yet supported, but it will extract and play the "core" portion of the stream, which is enough for me for now.

Bitstreaming (Sending the raw codec over to your receiver so the HD lights turn on) is currently being worked on.

.m2ts support works perfectly, and if you get the latest development builds, Blu-Ray ISO is supported.
Living Room: ASUS Chromebox / OpeneElec 5 / Kodi 14.2
Bedroom: Amazon FireTV Stick / Kodi 14.2
Home Office: Amazon FireTV Stick / Kodi 14.2
Windows Server: Intel Core i3-2100T / 8GB Ram / 48TB / MySQL / StableBit DrivePool on Server 2012 R2 Standard
Philmatic Wrote:, and if you get the latest development builds, Blu-Ray ISO is supported.
just main movie playback, though, no menu structure.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).

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XBMC support for HD audio and m2ts?0