[Windows] Launcher for Roms only shows DVD Path
So i'm having 2 problems fixing either one will do

1) RomCollectionBrowser is stuck in a blank filter screen where it displays Year, Genre, Publisher, Title ect. And no way to get out of it. I can right click on my mouse and it will back out of it but as soon as i try to launch the program again it sticks me right back there where I can do nothing. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the program and when I run it it puts me right back there.

2) When I use the Launcher program since i couldn't get RCB to work when it takes me to the file path directory the only file path it shows me is the path for my DVD drive? And no up arrows or anything or . . . to access the root folder or anything like that and since the rom emulator isn't on the DVD drive I can't get to it.

Any ideas on EITHER one since i just need one to work? Thanks!
By ejecting my DVD it auto selected my hard drives so that's fixed. Any ideas on number 1 and why i'm stuck in a blank screen?
Working on problem #1 i see a lot of people are told to delete their config.xml file however i do not have one in the path (or anywhere that i can find) any ideas?

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[Windows] Launcher for Roms only shows DVD Path0