Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
How to remove 'blank item'/entry in TV lib
Trying to tidy up the library a bit, I have something I can't get rid of. In TV library, there is a blank item/entry for a reason I can't work out. It sits at the top of the list, clicking it seems to go into a folder(?) which contains no contents. I dont know why its appearing, can it be rid of?
attached a screengrab to illustrate:

my bump, my bump - my bump - my bump, my lovely lazy bump.
On my setup it's the back function. and as far as i know it can't be removed
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
If I'm experiencing the same thing, I have the 'back' function and then below that is a 'blank' TV show. Mine actually shows fanart for Lights Out but there is nothing in the folder. I have a separate Lights Out folder and it operates correctly.
Yes, I have removed the UP ONE LEVEL feature in the options, so Im not talking about that. Mbbransc describes the same issue.
What does 'i' do?
Hi hitcher, thanks for the idea, pressing I did nothing unfortunately.
I ended up cleaning my library and starting from scratch, seems to have done the trick. SmileSmile
ok So I have this issue. Deleted my videos db, rescanned. It is still there. Come on dev guys, there has to be a reason for this, and a FIX. Using 10.1, latest stable.
HTPC: Motherboard: Asus F2A85-V, CPU: AMD A10 6800K, RAM: Kingston XMP BEAST 16GB, Samsung 840 EVO 250GB, LG CH12NS30 Blu-Ray drive, Samsung, and WD various 2 and 3TB for storage, Windows 8.1, one for all remote/FLIRC, Logitech z906 surround system.

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How to remove 'blank item'/entry in TV lib0