Advanced Weather with Plus Plugin
Does anybody fancy tring to get the Weather with Plus Plugin working on ATV2 ?

Have a look at

I've tried and got must of it working, but cant get the maps icon pack installed from the new weather settings menu.

If anybody is interested, I'll updatethe thread with how far i've got and what things I spotted.
ATV2 4.2.1 - XBOX1's x 3 - HomePlugs x many - QNAP 209II Pro NAS - 120" Sony Projector
That's nice! Better weather is always good. Would love to see this work.
I've enabled and configured this add-on, but my weather still looks exactly the same... I verified that I have full ownership and permissions to the xbmc folder and all subfolders/files; this is Windows 7 32-bit.

I'm obviously missing something, and I hope it's something stupid/simple Big Grin.
The post was intended to by about Apple TV2, but possible similar porblem though ;-)
ATV2 4.2.1 - XBOX1's x 3 - HomePlugs x many - QNAP 209II Pro NAS - 120" Sony Projector
That weather mod certainly interests me; what did you do to get it working on ATV2? I tried it myself but wound up with the joy of a nonworking theme.
I like the look of the icons. Going to give it a shot tonight.
yes please advise how you got this installed. I tried to to install on my atv2 with version 1.1.14 however it didnt do anything and I still have my same weather on confluence. I installed the large map pack but I cant find it when using cyberduck. the current version has an install pack to download the maps (large or small) to a specific location. Where did you install the pack to?
Nvidia Shield with Kodi 18

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