[AppleTV2] iPad or iPhone as SMB Source
Here's a cool little idea I just had (and tested), that I thought worth sharing.

Now that the ATV2 has an untethered jailbreak, it's a pretty darn portable device, but of course, without external USB storage, a bit limited in its ability to use your own source material on the go.

Then I realized that since I have my iPhone and iPad with me pretty much all the time, I could just use one of those as a server. Since I can add a 32GB SD card on the iPad via the Camera kit, I can have a fair amount of material with me without carrying much extra.

A quick search turned up a Cydia app called XDrive, which allows you to use the iPad or an attached SD card as a Samba share.

It's extremely easy to set up, and works like a champ. To use the SD card, just set up a share with the path /var/mnt/mount1/ , then enter the iPad address with the XDrive share name directly into XBMC as a source.

This is useful to me, because I can now load up some avi or mkv videos on my iPad or SD card, watch them on the plane directly on the iPad (with XBMC), and then when I get to my destination, serve the same material right up to the ATV2.
Doesnt xDrive work by converting part of your HFS+ partitions to FAT32 ?

Update: No I see it doesnt. Will give this a shot.
One caveat regarding xDrive: It appears that the author has abandoned it, or at the least doesn't do much by way of support. Nonetheless, it works well for me for this purpose.
There's a new free app in Cydia to add Samba file sharing to iOS devices. I just tested today, playing movies stored on my iPhone on my iPad 2 and ATV2 in XBMC. Worked very smoothly.

In XBMC, I needed to add the source manually as it did not work by browsing. I just typed:


The shares could also be seen by my Snow Leopard and Windows 7 boxes.
you can also use any app (Cydia or App Store) that gives you WebDAV access to the iphone/ipod/ipad. http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?p=8...post818845
ChipsAhoy Wrote:There's a new free app in Cydia to add Samba file sharing to iOS devices. I just tested today, playing movies stored on my iPhone on my iPad 2 and ATV2 in XBMC. Worked very smoothly.

In XBMC, I needed to add the source manually as it did not work by browsing. I just typed:


The shares could also be seen by my Snow Leopard and Windows 7 boxes.

Thanks for this. I just visited these forums to look for how to do this. I already got Samba installed and can browse the share from my MacBook, but couldn't figure out how to get XBMC to see it. I didn't know the part about putting the username and password into the address. Thanks again.

Edit: Ugh. I'm still getting operation timed out errors when I type in the username: password as well. I know it's configured properly on the server end, like I said, I can browse it on my MacBook. How come I can never get this stuff to work properly?

Edit2: Got it to work. I had to use devicename.local as my address. Thanks again for the point in the right direction.

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[AppleTV2] iPad or iPhone as SMB Source0