Using upnp with rar archives
I recently installed XBMC on my iPad and I'm very excited about the possibilty of using it the way it's been running on my linuxbased HTPC for a while. My problem, wich by the way seems quite common, is the constant buffering when accessing my files through samba. I installed Mediatomb on my HTPC (wich also serves as a NAS) to be able to use that protocol to stream to the iPad. Buffering problems gone, but I just can't get it to play iso, avi and other videofiles from my rar-archives as I'm used to on the HTPC. Is there any way to share the complete directories and make XBMC treat the rar-files within them as if they were shared through SAMBA?

I hope this question hasn't been asked or the information is easily found and I'm therefor making an complete a** of myself, but I tried to google and I just haven't found any appropriate information.

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Using upnp with rar archives0