ATV2 scroll bar ??
so i'm going to get an ATv2, but as i allready have a ATv with Crystal Hd !
i wanted to make sure if it works ok with xbmc or not !
in my iPad i can not scroll through the pages of my media library ! can ATv2 with xbmc scroll or its just like the on in iPad ?
On the first page it states "SSA and ASS subtitles do display on hardware decoded videos" That should be they don't display. They only display if the video isn't being feed to the hardware decoder.
papampi Wrote:so i'm going to get an ATv2, but as i allready have a ATv with Crystal Hd !
i wanted to make sure if it works ok with xbmc or not !
in my iPad i can not scroll through the pages of my media library ! can ATv2 with xbmc scroll or its just like the on in iPad ?

Why can't you scroll on the iPad? Oo
Are you using the standard Confluence-skin? Of so, you can scroll, but you need to press and hold the scroll-bar on the right side...

Oh, and scrolling on the atv2 works just fine Wink
Thewolf Wrote:On the first page it states "SSA and ASS subtitles do display on hardware decoded videos" That should be they don't display. They only display if the video isn't being feed to the hardware decoder.

actually some do display. Most stylized subs are having problems, but the devs are aware of the problem and are working on it.
But what does it have to do with the question in the topicstart? Huh

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