Launchers are no good! Emulate me!
I have been scouring the google and forums and general interwebs for the last few days and have yet to find the info that I need. My google-fu skills are clearly not that great, or alternately, I just don't understand what I am reading.
I want to be able to launch my Rom collection from XBMC (v10.0). I know that the emulators and Roms that I have are good because they play perfectly when I launch them just form my normal desktop (Mac OSX 10.6.6). However, when I try to launch them from either Launcher, Advanced Launcher, or Rom Collection Browser, it opens the emulator and then just goes to a window asking me where the rom is. In all the emulators that I configured for launcher, I use as my general argument "%rom%" but that doesnt seem to point the emulators to the rom. I am specifically talking about RockNES and TGEmu. I got ZSnes to work, which is a triumph, but yet, Nintendo and TG-16 beckon!
Any help that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
washkow Wrote:I have been scouring the google and forums and general interwebs for the last few days and have yet to find the info that I need. My google-fu skills are clearly not that great, or alternately, I just don't understand what I am reading.
I want to be able to launch my Rom collection from XBMC (v10.0). I know that the emulators and Roms that I have are good because they play perfectly when I launch them just form my normal desktop (Mac OSX 10.6.6). However, when I try to launch them from either Launcher, Advanced Launcher, or Rom Collection Browser, it opens the emulator and then just goes to a window asking me where the rom is. In all the emulators that I configured for launcher, I use as my general argument "%rom%" but that doesnt seem to point the emulators to the rom. I am specifically talking about RockNES and TGEmu. I got ZSnes to work, which is a triumph, but yet, Nintendo and TG-16 beckon!
Any help that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Prior to use these emulators using any mentioned launchers, you have to be sure that they have a command line support. If you cannot start them with roms on your operating system using the command line, those emulators will never works with any launcher. Oo

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Launchers are no good! Emulate me!0