Database/Library issue
Last night I went to update my library for movies and it didn't appear to update. I placed a new movie on my NAS and then used "update library" and nothing shows up. So I went into the file view and had it scan for new content, nothing shows. So I went into the source options and checked to make sure it was set as movies, scan automatically, scan recursively and all appeared to be normal. After that I went back to the movies and my library was empty! It said to check the source, so I went back and everything was setup right. I went to the file view and all of the movies were there. So I tried a few more times to update/scan the library, no go.

So I deleted the source and added it back and just let it scan for 45 minutes. This time all of the movies appeared. Well I was scrolling through the movies and noticed one of the Indiana Jones was missing from the set. I'm like, that's odd. So I checked the file view and it's in the folder. I'm able to play it and all of the artwork/thumbs are there. So I go back to Library and scan/update. I can't get the movie to show up in the library! I looked through how many movies I had and it appears 8-9 movies are not showing up for whatever reason. All movies that were previously in the library, but now will no longer show.

So what the heck is going on and how do I fix it?!? Any suggestions?
Try changing the file or folder name by adding a character like "*" or "1" or whatever. I had this happen once to me when removed a movie from the library. XBMC wouldnt scan it back it until I changed the folder name. I guess doing this made XBMC think there was a new file/folder on my NAS. Good luck.
All of my movies are in 1 folder. Well, the childrens movies are in a separate folder, but the others are all lumped together. So I don't think that would work. Maybe I can change the name of the movie, by adding the year to it.

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Database/Library issue0