View aTV2 Storage Space Capacity
Does anyone know a way to view the available amount of ram/disk storage space left?
I am assuming, since you are posting here, that you have ssh access to your ATV2. If so, simply run the following command "df -h" at the prompt:

Liliput:~ root# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/disk0s1s1        750M  386M  358M  52% /
devfs                  27K   27K     0 100% /dev
/dev/disk0s1s2        6.7G  1.3G  5.4G  19% /private/var

Yours should look something like the code above. The large filesystem is your "space," so on mine, 19% is being used. I store all of my thumbnails/fanart on an SMB share, so my XBMC footprint is pretty small.
Jägs Wrote:I store all of my thumbnails/fanart on an SMB share, so my XBMC footprint is pretty small.

My ATV2's are currently in FedEx's pipeline, so I wanted to ask a question in preparation. I'm going to have a central MySQL database stored on my network. I was reading on lifehacker that the best combination is a networked database and local icon cache. Is it possible to have a local icon cache with the ATV2?

I'm guessing that the fanart, covers and thumbnails will just have to reside with the content, but I wanted to ask people who actually know something.

This is a little off topic, but it deals with the space issue, so what the heck. Thumbs and art are, by default, stored locally. On the ATV2, this is in:


under the "Thumbnails" directory.

I did not want these eating up space on the ATV2--I still wanted it to be able to do ATV2 things as well as XBMC--so I created path substitution in my advancedsettings.xml to direct XMBC to an SMB share for these:


Where "user:pass" is the user name and password set up to access the share--if it is public, omit this--followed by the "ip_address" of the server hosting the SMB share, and then the "path" to the share.

It's a bit sluggish at times--definitely not as fast as when I had XBMC on a Mac Mini--but it is tolerable and getting better with each nightly build.

Hopefully, as XBMC develops, these will get stored in the database along with the rest of the movie information, which will make this a bit tidier.
Thanks Jags...

For others that are also looking for info on the thumbs cache and a central db, there is much discussion about it here (including talk of rsync to/from ATV2.)
hehe, same linux command. I forgotten about it. Thanks alot.

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View aTV2 Storage Space Capacity0