[Linux]Cant find font.xml/Where is the skin folder?
Hi, Im running XBMC 10 on ubuntu and I cant find the skin folder so I can change the font size. It's supposed to be in the add-on folder right? But it isnt there.
The default skin was confluence (and that folder is where it should be) so I used the inbuilt "get more skins" to install pm3 and it worked fine but there is no folder for it in the "add-ons" folder like there is confluence, and as such I cant edit the font.xml file.
I've done searches on the entire file system for font.xml and the only one it finds is for the confluence skin.
Can anyone help me out?
it should be in ~/.xbmc/addons/skin.pm3-hd/720p

where ~ is your home directory and .xbmc is a hidden directory on linux because it starts with a .
That was it. Thanks mate!
I would never have found it.

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