What about udf and files bigger than 0,99 gb?

i already tried to find some information using the search function, but had no success.

as some otherrs, i have the problem, that i can not access to big files using xbmc.

i have a mpeg movie, which has 2,4 gb and burned it on udf using nero6.
but xbmc does not detect this file at all, but only the small epg_info (txt-file).
in an older thread i read, that xbmc/xbox only supports files smaller than 1gb on udf.
but iso sopports only files up to 2gb, so i have to use udf for my movie files.

is there any way to solve this issue? or do i something wrong?
any possibilities to watch such movie files (bigger than 2 gb) on a xbox using the dvd drive?

best regards

christian s.
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What about udf and files bigger than 0,99 gb?0