How can I set up my library locations?
XBMC 10 on Windows XP.

I have no idea how to tell XBMC where my media files are located on my PC and on my home network.

This is pretty fundamental stuff. Where is it hidden in the GUI?

I have read the Wiki, where they talk about "Add sources", but I have no such menu on my installation. There is just a "Movies" menu item, and there is a lot of "I Downloaded A Ghost" entries, where XBMC grabbed a bunch of .iso files that are software images, not DVD rips!

I think I will uninstall/reinstall, 'cuz it's really screwed up as it is.
Try this guide as well

Basically when you are in file mode you can select 'add source' and tell XBMC where your media is located.
Openelec on ASRock ION 330 / Kodi on Win 7 PC
rocketpants Wrote:Basically when you are in file mode you can select 'add source' and tell XBMC where your media is located.

Thank you for the link to the Dharma Guide.

But what do you mean by "file mode"?

What are the different modes, and how do you select one or another?
I am so lost on this as well....It is IMPOSSIBLE for me to find my shared folders on my network. I added a 2TB drive to a pC In another room that has all my movies on it. I cannot navigate to that folder from my xbmc pc in the living room. I go to videos, right click and open settings....Then i go to library-->import video library and it ONLY has my local drive listed and "new folder" is grayed out. This is so frustrating because searching for anything to do with "add a missing network drive" yields 100's of useless threads...
I just want to add my new network drive

I have the immediate option to add a source under music and pictures...but not videos..and if this is the result of improperly displaying my video library i would greatly appreciate directions as to how to display it so i have this add source option available...

XBMC has two modes "File Mode" where you just add the source and "Library Mode", Library Mode displays all the movie information for each movie to use this mode you also have to "Set Content" on your source and let XBMC scan them into library

Quick Start Guide

This might also help it shows adding a source setting content and scanning them into library
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Is the only way to switch between these "file Mode" and "library mode" in the initial set up or can you do it at any time? I can't seem to find this option...
@sender It typically depends on the skin how you switch between them. If you are using the standard skin Confluence, when you are in the Video section and you are looking at a list of your videos, you should be able to just press left a couple times and a menu will slide out from the left side of the screen. That menu will allow you to turn Library mode on and off.

I highly recommend reading that Quick Start Guide linked above. It's EXTREMELY useful for new folk.
ha...Push left...LITERALLY! I could not figure that out even from the guide...until i read your post...I didn't know it was the mouse...

Thanks! I can now deselect library mode, add the source and then whatever...

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How can I set up my library locations?0