There should be an addon list page
I know we have the wiki but there isn't a single page, to my admittedly limited knowledge, that lists every addon available from all repositories and what they do.

Plus, such a page would make it easier to learn about new or developing addons and what addons are working or broken.

This stuff exists roughly in a few places but I can't find a single location with everything. I'd be willing to write up reviews or overviews for a wiki if someone wants to team up to tackle this.

there should just be an app store...
yes I agree it would be great to have a place where teh developers can add their addons and put a desciption etc.. and what version it works with etc. an app like store would be great!
Nvidia Shield with Kodi 18
I also think this is a great idea. With all the great addons available, I was a little lost as to where I should even begin.
Count my vote for this as well
I agree on that as well! There should be a place with a list of all AddOns!
my vote for this!
rebuilding ....
Huhh? Seriously guys, what's wrong with the addon browser within XBMC?

It lists all the addons approved by Team-XBMC with descriptions.
Those will all work with the version of XBMC you use, and if an addon is broken, then it will be marked as broken.

What are you all missing that much?
@Olympia: i think they want to be able to browse that outside of xbmc.
For me it's not a matter of where the addon overview should be it's more that it lacks some things.

MediaPortal did a good job. You get a good overview of all the plugins on their website. I can get a preview with pictures, a review of the plugin, there is a rating system, etc.

Maybe it's also possible to tag addons in xbmc when they are new. Otherwise I have to go through the huge (growing) list every week.
A page would be nice. It is a pain to go through XBMC and go back and forth through the many different listings IMO.
olympia Wrote:Huhh? Seriously guys, what's wrong with the addon browser within XBMC?

It lists all the addons approved by Team-XBMC with descriptions.
Those will all work with the version of XBMC you use, and if an addon is broken, then it will be marked as broken.

What are you all missing that much?

I just want to have one long list to look at in addition to the category listing.
olympia Wrote:Huhh? Seriously guys, what's wrong with the addon browser within XBMC?

It lists all the addons approved by Team-XBMC with descriptions.
Those will all work with the version of XBMC you use, and if an addon is broken, then it will be marked as broken.

What are you all missing that much?

The addons browser is great, and certainly puts XBMC lilght-years ahead of where it once was for browsing and installing plugins/scripts. And the ability to check the working/broken status is a god-send! But I think the short answer to your question of "What are you all missing that much?" is content not hosted by the official XBMC repo.

I understand that there are very good reasons why some content isn't hosted by the official repo, and I'm certainly not appealing for any content to be moved there that isn't there already. However, when you browse the official repo you're only browsing part of what's on offer. I think that most users who are reading this will have addons from 3rd party repositories, so there's clearly a lot of value in them. But unless you read about them on the forum, you might not know that they exist, and won't know which repository to install to get them. Then once you have found out about it then it can be hassle to install the repository - though this point has been largely made redundant by the excellent unofficial repo installer addon. But to know about that addon you'd have had to find it on the forums first! You could argue that you could install all of the unofficial repositories to be able to browse all the content at once, but without further categorisation of the addons then this could be overwhelming and confusing. By further categorisation I mean further categories under video, audio, etc. for example: news, TV, film, video sharing sites etc.

As I said above I'm really happy with the new addon browser, but there's room for improvement in terms of finding what's on offer. This could come from within the addon browser, or from an addon that allows browsing of all available addons and tells you which repo you need to get them. For such an addon to exist there would probably have to be a central list of addons with all the necessary links and information. Similar to the Wiki's unofficial repository list, but for individual addons. In fact, just the list itself could probably be enough for what most people here are asking for. But once it's up then I guess an addon could be made relatively easily.

Just my $0.02.
tl:dr In answer to "What are you all missing that much?": There's a lot of good addons in unofficial repositories which you can't really discover through XBMC alone.
I like the addon browser in XBMC a lot (as does everyone I think)
I think it could be just a little more information rich though -
just as an example if the developer doesn't include dates in the change log,
I have no way of telling if its a dead add on or not. I'm not sure if there's a view where I can scroll down and see the descriptions *without* clicking into the addon, but if there isn't then I think that might make it a little friendlier for exploration as well.

Including the "consolidation repo" that has links to other repo's might be a nice idea too, assuming it wouldn't be breaking a team policy.

I can see where the requests are coming from but what we have is very usable as is IMO.
Suppose there is an unofficial add-on that prepares coffee every morning!
The only way to know of it's existence and eventual usefulness is through a chance encounter with a discussion thread in this forum. Am I wrong?
primetime34 Wrote:I just want to have one long list to look at in addition to the category listing.

Here's a list -


I'm sure the devs don't have time for this but why not get together and do it yourselves?

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There should be an addon list page0