Problem getting artist slideshow to work
Having some issues getting artist slideshow to work during music playback. I've tried it with local music and with pandoki. I've used 3 different skins. All I ever get is the file list/queue. When the screensaver comes on it just gives me 7 dots spinning in the middle of the screen with the song info in the top left.

I'd really like to get this working - any ideas? I'm currently using Aeon ShedNox, but have tried Confluence, Aeon Nox, Amber - can't get it to work at all.

I'm installed on a Boxee if that matters.
There is a support thread for AS at:

In order to help, you'll need to enable debug logging in the AS preferences, enable debug logging for Kodi, and then post a link in the support thread to the complete debug log.

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Problem getting artist slideshow to work0