Req sorry,could not find if these my 3 suggestions below are basic KODI bugs or not.
Preliminary - I am newbie I started all these by install the current/latest stable KODI 15.2 Isengard on my Android 4.2.2 Proworx black box.

1 - However, I could not find a decently visible reliable way to bookmark for any movie, clips or streaming tv that I randomly find during checking some links within video addons etc.

Concretely, I clicked that bottom dedicated icon (located under movie playing status progress line) related to Bookmark's
Then I added as bookmark, then a movie thumbnail appeared in the bookmark popup panel but never saved after press OK.
Even immediately after (meaning during same movie playing), I pressed the same bookmark button again but there were no more any thumbnail in bookmark panel so the bookmark was never saved anywhere visible to be used next time when started KODI....Sad

2 - there is still no visibly in menu the possibility to record/download any streaming played at least at the same level of useability as you may easily find in Firefox browser addons while playing Youtube clips as sample or as VideoDownload helper for any other kind of streaming !

I know that depending on hardware and codecs used by various streaming sites which imposed various methods in order to match the streaming type.

But as sample, Video Download Helper and other streaming recording addons for Internet browsers , have already fixed by brutelly recording the streaming as it was timed frames divided received or grabbed from video playing cache... and this could be successfully done within Windows and the basic browsers like notorious Firefox...

On Linux/Android this could be done more easily I thought due to more background controls at developers disposal...

However if bookmark saving and/or same for video playing streaming could be valid within other interfaces, why KODI does not provide it in its basic package or with link to purchase it if costs... It is hardly and time consumming annoying to install to test hundreds beta packages made by various enthusiasts and then to uninstall them order to find basic features hidden or unveilled by different addon apps.

Can somebody more experienced with KODI tell me but I think to most of us... where am I wrong?

I think these Save As related issues/features both for bookmark current full URL address of streaming but also for videoclip or tv streaming address are the top of most wanted feature for any alike product no matter if priced or not.

I also think that anyone will agree if demanded... to pay/buy those components if SAVE AS related addons could be provided as reliable as there are large efforts of developing alike addons to parse the traffic to get the real address.

Of course I know that part of videos we play within may depend on some timed logins/passw or ephemeris url in clouds...But there are also many other which distribute their streaming by permanent or longer term links like public tv, personal sites etc

3 - there is no visible basic UPDATE button for KODI in main menu and the RSS flux in the bottom dynamic line announcing various updates randomly as grabbed is never linked to its origin for details etc

Finally I would like thank you all very much for patience while hoping to revive focusing to fix some more than basic... missings, in general amateur user view at least... regarding this genius project/app as KODI !
Posting in feature requests ... with bugs.
Moved to support forum.

On first glance it seems you are using streaming addons in Kodi which are unsupported.
Bookmarks work fine with items that are in your library, take a look at the wiki for how to use them.

We will not support downloading video from streaming sites in the application ever. There might be an add-on which can provide the ability but guess what: we do not allow discussion of piracy on this forum.

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sorry,could not find if these my 3 suggestions below are basic KODI bugs or not.0