DTS not downmixing to stereo 2.0?
I updated my year-old opensuse 11.1 Zotac ION htpc to XBMC svn 34475 and have everything working nicely except for videos with DTS audio. There previously was an option to enable stereo downmixing, which worked fine. My speaker system does not handle DTS.

This new version no longer has an option to enable downmixing, but I'm assuming that it knows to downmix if the Speaker Configuration is set to 2.0 and the 'AC3 Capable' and 'DTS Capable' options are unchecked.

I am not using HDMI output, and I get audio out the analog and digital/coax ports just fine for any video that does not have DTS audio. Anything with DTS is silent, no audio at all.

My configure string was:
./configure --enable-mid --disable-debug --disable-pulse --prefix=/usr
and get the same results regardless of which output device I use. All IEC958 sources are unmuted in alsamixer.

My videos are MythTV HDHomerun HDTV captures from TV cable, most with AC3 audio. When I check the audio track in the OSD, all the ones that play fine are AC3, and all the ones that have no audio are DTS. Both mplayer and vlc play the videos with DTS perfectly. Before the XBMC upgrade on this box, this problem didn't happen. So I'm trying to figure out what change I need to make to get DTS downmixing in XBMC working again.
Please post a debug log on pastebin.com and post the url here.
Downmixing should be done automatically when the speaker config is set to 2.0.
This is a debug log of starting XBMC, navigating to a video with DTS audio, playing it for about one second, stopping playback and exiting XBMC.


Thanks for your efforts!
ffmpeg seems to have issues decoding the dts, could you provide a sample?
Here is the first 10MB of the same file used in the log:


It's a capture produced by a HDHomerun via MythTV. I truncated it thus:

dd if=/video3/mythhd/1004_20101004190000.mpg of=out.mpg bs=1M count=10
Something is very strange about that sample, av_find_stream_info detects the audio as ac3, but then somehow the dts decoder is selected.
bobo1on1 Wrote:Something is very strange about that sample, av_find_stream_info detects the audio as ac3, but then somehow the dts decoder is selected.
Huh. I now notice that other players do identify AC3 and use the correct codec and it's only XBMC that thinks it's DTS.

Perhaps it's a capture issue.I did update the HDHR firmware a week prior to updating XBMC, perhaps the problem simply didn't surface right away. I've opened a ticket with Silicon Dust to see if I can get a copy of previous firmware for testing/confirmation.

It's notable that other players I've tried (mplayer, vlc, xine, mythtv) do not have this issue, so it would be lovely to resolve in XBMC if feasible.
Here is a file that worked on my system using aplay http://sverigesradio.se/laddahem/multika...011212.zip
it's in swedish but it start at the the right front speaker and circles clockwise.
After reverting the HDHomerun firmware to release 20100121, one of the first MythTV recordings it captured has the same problem. I've now dropped the firmware back even further to 20090830 to continue testing. I'd really like to know if this can be resolved in XBMC's player though, since it's the only player I know of with this problem on these files. I'm willing to help with any testing.
VLC here refuses to play the file at all, so XBMC is not the only one.
Aha. Interesting, that's not the case for me but it does add evidence that the fault is with the video file more than the player. I'll keep testing older versions of the HDHR firmware and see if I can find one that stops the problem. I can't think of another likely cause at this point, things worked great for over a year.

I'll post back here when I have more info, thanks again for your efforts!
mauibay Wrote:http://filebin.ca/kuqgv/out.mpg
Fixed in r34698 in trunk and r34699 in Dharma branch.

Thanks for the report. Smile
Confirmed. Awesome!

I was just about to upload a slightly longer sample, since I discovered I was correct about VLC playing the files properly. For some reason VLC hangs on the truncated sample I sent, but it plays the original and others as well.

Many thanks and I appreciate you guys. Smile
Anssi Wrote:Fixed in r34698 in trunk and r34699 in Dharma branch.

Thanks for the report. Smile
I'm guessing this isn't in the latest Beta 3 release?

Seeing something similar. Plays in VLC no sound in XBMC. Shows as DTS 2.0 in XBMC (Win7 Dharma B3).
Kirky99 Wrote:I'm guessing this isn't in the latest Beta 3 release?

Seeing something similar. Plays in VLC no sound in XBMC. Shows as DTS 2.0 in XBMC (Win7 Dharma B3).

That fix is in Beta 3, so your issue is a different one. Would it be possible for you to provide a sample file?

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DTS not downmixing to stereo 2.0?0