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(2014-07-07, 14:41)snickers2k Wrote: [ -> ]oh, thx. You're right. So it DOES work. I get the metadata files.
so i tried it with XBMC. and the commercials are skipped mostly. but this results in a very weird behavior of XBMC at manually skipping forward or backward.
So to really cut out the commercials, for making it work with any player and for saving disk-space - there is an Windows app "Comclean". But i can't find a Linux alternative. Anyone having an idea?

You don't need an executable to strip the commercials. What you do need is a bash script that uses the .edl file to determine the ranges to strip (with for example ffmpeg). I haven't had a need to do this but you should be able to google it.

As far as Xbmc skipping and such, the later versions work the best. If you use edl_mode 3, the commercials will be initially skipped during playback, but if you skip backwards the commercials will be included in the rewind. This is a good thing in that if the comskip isn't perfect you can play the ranges that were skipped.

(2014-09-03, 23:52)menno Wrote: [ -> ]
configure: error: Package requirements (libavcodec >= 53.42) were not met:

Requested 'libavcodec >= 53.42' but version of libavcodec is 52.107.0

Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
installed software in a non-standard prefix.

Alternatively, you may set the environment variables AVCODEC_CFLAGS
and AVCODEC_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
See the pkg-config man page for more details.
pimp-ass-server:/var/tmp/ComSkipWork/comskip-0.93h# ffmpeg -version
ffmpeg version N-62510-g2799845
built on Apr 18 2014 05:12:39 with gcc 4.6 (Debian 4.6.3-1)
configuration: --prefix=/root/ffmpeg-static/32bit --arch=x86_32 --extra-cflags='-m32 -I/root/ffmpeg-static/32bit/include -static' --extra-ldflags='-m32 -L/root/ffmpeg-static/32bit/lib -static' --extra-libs='-lxml2 -lexpat -lfreetype' --enable-static --disable-shared --disable-ffserver --disable-doc --enable-bzlib --enable-zlib --enable-postproc --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-libx264 --enable-gpl --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libmp3lame --enable-gray --enable-libass --enable-libfreetype --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libspeex --enable-libvo-aacenc --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-version3 --enable-libvpx
libavutil      52. 77.100 / 52. 77.100
libavcodec     55. 58.103 / 55. 58.103
libavformat    55. 37.100 / 55. 37.100
libavdevice    55. 13.100 / 55. 13.100
libavfilter     4.  4.100 /  4.  4.100
libswscale      2.  6.100 /  2.  6.100
libswresample   0. 18.100 /  0. 18.100
libpostproc    52.  3.100 / 52.  3.100

Ive install ffmpeg in /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
why doesnt it see its a new enough version?

Just use the static directions in post 1.
I am sorry I am a fool , I dont get it to work Sad
I now use this to install it;

PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/root/ffmpeg-static/32bit ./configure --prefix=/usr
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ffmpeg/lib
and ./configure --prefix=/root/ffmpeg-static/32bit

and almost all other paths I get from find / -name *ffmpeg*

What am I doing wrong? Smile
I think I understood you in the end.
I did a lot of manual static, both for ffmpeg and argtable2.

All installed quite well I suppose, but if I run comskip i get
"comskip: error while loading shared libraries: libargtable2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

my configure for arg2table was;
"PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/var/tmp/ComSkipWork/install/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --prefix=/var/tmp/ComSkipWork/install"
I also did it once with
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/var/tmp/ComSkipWork/install/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --prefix=/usr

both give the shared object file error like above.

find / -name libargtable2.so.0

its all there?
(2014-11-03, 23:34)menno Wrote: [ -> ]I think I understood you in the end.
I did a lot of manual static, both for ffmpeg and argtable2.

All installed quite well I suppose, but if I run comskip i get
"comskip: error while loading shared libraries: libargtable2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

my configure for arg2table was;
"PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/var/tmp/ComSkipWork/install/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --prefix=/var/tmp/ComSkipWork/install"
I also did it once with
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/var/tmp/ComSkipWork/install/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --prefix=/usr

both give the shared object file error like above.

find / -name libargtable2.so.0

its all there?

From where you're at...the simplest thing to do would be to copy libargtable2.so.0 into /usr/lib (or /usr/lib64 if that exists on your system).
(2014-05-11, 15:16)thos Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone getting different results from Windows to Linux even with same INI file?

Windows public Comskip 0.81.061
Linux Comskip 0.93f.000

The INI files are the same on both machines, but in the debug log you can see some difference in parameters not set in the INI file.

Is there an equivalent version number between Linux/Windows so I know I'm comparing like with like, or is Linux a complete fork?

Yes. I'm getting some major differences between windows and linux versions. I've tried multiple windows versions, and cannot make it duplicate the linux version.

Windows version 0.81.062 (2014)
2.04    61.56    0
416.82    455.52    0
611.74    643.14    0
1131.06    1371.37    0
2106.27    2338.17    0
2647.75    2870.67    0
3357.89    3539.04    0
3600.66    3627.99    0

Windows version 0.81.038 (2010)
2.00    61.56    0
417.28    455.52    0
614.28    654.12    0
1131.63    1396.16    0
2106.90    2179.18    0
2647.75    2878.58    0
3362.33    3550.38    0
3601.03    3629.99    0

Linux version 0.93h.000
2106.24    2338.14    0
2647.71    2870.63    0
3357.22    3557.39    0
3600.63    3629.93    0
(2014-05-15, 04:36)cbxbiker61 Wrote: [ -> ]The very first Linux version was forked from the windows source code.

Which version was it forked from? I'd like to duplicate my windows and linux scenarios, for debugging purposes.
(2014-11-04, 01:20)cbxbiker61 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2014-11-03, 23:34)menno Wrote: [ -> ]I think I understood you in the end.
I did a lot of manual static, both for ffmpeg and argtable2.

All installed quite well I suppose, but if I run comskip i get
"comskip: error while loading shared libraries: libargtable2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

my configure for arg2table was;
"PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/var/tmp/ComSkipWork/install/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --prefix=/var/tmp/ComSkipWork/install"
I also did it once with
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/var/tmp/ComSkipWork/install/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --prefix=/usr

both give the shared object file error like above.

find / -name libargtable2.so.0

its all there?

From where you're at...the simplest thing to do would be to copy libargtable2.so.0 into /usr/lib (or /usr/lib64 if that exists on your system).

It finally works, as in it executes. Ill now read up for a nice script to auto run after recoding and ideally also cut the file! What an odeal this was Smile
(2014-11-04, 02:08)Asharad Wrote: [ -> ]
(2014-05-11, 15:16)thos Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone getting different results from Windows to Linux even with same INI file?

Windows public Comskip 0.81.061
Linux Comskip 0.93f.000

The INI files are the same on both machines, but in the debug log you can see some difference in parameters not set in the INI file.

Is there an equivalent version number between Linux/Windows so I know I'm comparing like with like, or is Linux a complete fork?

Yes. I'm getting some major differences between windows and linux versions. I've tried multiple windows versions, and cannot make it duplicate the linux version.

Windows version 0.81.062 (2014)
2.04    61.56    0
416.82    455.52    0
611.74    643.14    0
1131.06    1371.37    0
2106.27    2338.17    0
2647.75    2870.67    0
3357.89    3539.04    0
3600.66    3627.99    0

Windows version 0.81.038 (2010)
2.00    61.56    0
417.28    455.52    0
614.28    654.12    0
1131.63    1396.16    0
2106.90    2179.18    0
2647.75    2878.58    0
3362.33    3550.38    0
3601.03    3629.99    0

Linux version 0.93h.000
2106.24    2338.14    0
2647.71    2870.63    0
3357.22    3557.39    0
3600.63    3629.93    0

Looks like i branched it in Dec 2012.
I ve got success but no success Smile
After finally compiling everything alright I wanted to try comskip on my Grand designs recording.
I started it with -v5. Verbose level 5 and saw it getting to work! Nice I even saw the channel 4 hd logo passing by Smile
After hours, it finsihed and produced these files;

drwx------ 2 hts video 4.0K Nov 5 20:16 buffer
-rwxrwxrwx 1 hts video 3.9G Nov 5 23:00 Grand Designs.mkv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 123 Nov 6 01:32 Grand Designs.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 34K Nov 6 01:32 Grand Designs.log

I now go to recordings in my openelec stable 13.2, started showing some commercials and also it doesnt skip commercials watching the show. What's next ? Big Grin
Comskip should have produced an EDL file. The EDL file defines where the commercials are located within your video. The EDL file would be used by your video player (or in my case video EDITOR) to know when to skip.
Well the log looks very nice, it shows how it identified the logo and with al the frames where to ski. No .edl file is generated though, even though in .ini the output_edl=1
as nornal. So why dont I have an edl file?
Now that I ve copied the .ini file to the recording directory and where I actually run comskip I did get an .edl.
Openelec Gotham 13.2 doesnt use it though to skip ads Sad
I try to cut it from the file with mencoder, this also doesnt work;
myserver:/STORAGE/hts# mencoder "Grand_Designs.avi" -o Grand_Designs_no_adds4.avi -nosub -edl "Grand Designs.edl" -ovc copy -oac copy -ofps 25000/1001
MEncoder 1.1-4.7 (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer Team
success: format: 0  data: 0x0 - 0xf57a43db
libavformat version 54.6.100 (internal)
libavformat file format detected.
[matroska,webm @ 0x8ac3440]Unknown/unsupported CodecID S_DVBSUB.
[matroska,webm @ 0x8ac3440]max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached at 5000000
[matroska,webm @ 0x8ac3440]Could not find codec parameters (Subtitle: none)
[lavf] stream 0: video (h264), -vid 0
[lavf] stream 1: audio (mp2), -aid 0, -alang nar
[lavf] stream 3: audio (ac3), -aid 1, -alang eng
[lavf] stream 4: subtitle (text), -sid 0, -slang eng
VIDEO:  [H264]  1920x1080  0bpp  25.000 fps    0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)
[V] filefmt:44  fourcc:0x34363248  size:1920x1080  fps:25.000  ftime:=0.0400
videocodec: framecopy (1920x1080 0bpp fourcc=34363248)
audiocodec: framecopy (format=50 chans=2 rate=48000 bits=0 B/s=24000 sample-0)
Read 4 EDL actions.
Writing header...
ODML: Aspect information not (yet?) available or unspecified, not writing vprp header.
Writing header...
ODML: Aspect information not (yet?) available or unspecified, not writing vprp header.
Pos:   1.2s     30f ( 0%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   0mb  A-V:0.082 [4208:192]

Skipping frame!
Pos:   1.5s     40f ( 0%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   0mb  A-V:0.082 [4205:192]

Skipping frame!
Pos:   1.9s     50f ( 0%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   0mb  A-V:0.082 [4186:192]

The ouptut video loses 1 gb in size and is corrupted Sad(
I wanted to use a logo file earlier generated from a show called Grand Desgins. Because
if i looked to that logo.txt it's much better than the one generated from Speed with Guy Martin.
I renamed Grand Designs.logo.txt to Channel_4.logo.txt
and ran
comskip --logo Channel_4.logo txt "Speed with Guy Martin.mkv"
I use the linux version.

I get this error;

Using Speed with Guy Martin.logo.txt for logo data.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): x exceeds max width

What is wrong?
Also I am very new to this, and I wonder why no logo files and ini's per channel are widely available..
are we all trying to re-invent our own wheels?
I just tried my same ini, with this window version;

And those results are much better Sad
Can we rebuild a linux version off the latest windows?

Thanks in advance!
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