IPTVSimple PVR-addon with XMLTV EGP
that's what i thought....would have been nice though, i must admit. Wink

@traflaz: just search the net. there are plenty of good (high quality) & stable links for bbc news 24.

@afedchin: thank you for an awsome addition to xbmc. i had tried to get the iptv plugin to work for vdr, but that requires an external player and wound up being far to complicated imho.
the only hard part with your plugin is finding the correct epg sources. Rofl

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RE: IPTVSimple PVR-addon with XMLTV EGP - by thatguy7669 - 2013-03-16, 03:39
Problem with HLS - by san77 - 2013-10-31, 17:23
Channel Logo issues - by cdonnie - 2014-03-28, 09:21
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IPTVSimple PVR-addon with XMLTV EGP14