IPTVSimple PVR-addon with XMLTV EGP
For windows (I see you use it) xbmc.log located in %APPDATA%\XBMC folder. Upload xbmc.log on http://pastebin.com and provide an url.

Do you set in a logos folder in settings of the addon? Your logos should be named 235.png 676.png and should be placed into logos folder

You sure that #EXTM3U and #EXTINF tags in m3u doesn't contain the space char?

Messages In This Thread
RE: IPTVSimple PVR-addon with XMLTV EGP - by afedchin - 2013-07-03, 08:47
Problem with HLS - by san77 - 2013-10-31, 17:23
Channel Logo issues - by cdonnie - 2014-03-28, 09:21
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IPTVSimple PVR-addon with XMLTV EGP14