Win HOW-TO setup Boblight for Windows and Boblight XBMC
(2013-07-09, 04:38)BAWLSOUT Wrote: I have a few questions, on your OP you gave a link to the "LEDStream for SM16716 LEDs". I ordered the SM16716's from ebay the other day, this is just code to test the lights correct?

I noticed people had issues with the name and type fields in the conf file, do you have suggestions for what I should use for the sm16716 leds?

Thanks, so excited to see this project in action.

I found the file via google, changed a bit and applied a patch but I cant test it because I dont have the LEDs. At least one person got it to work so it should be ok. I dont know what to change in the config but it should work with the same settings as ws2801 adalight.

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Re: RE: HOW-TO setup Boblight for Windows and Boblight XBMC - by TeKo - 2013-07-09, 12:35
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HOW-TO setup Boblight for Windows and Boblight XBMC6