Kodi Media Player Options with 3D MVC & HD Audio
Did several tests yesterday on Pi2 & I'm finding it plays MVC MKV noticeably better than 3D ISO (maybe because it requires more headroom, making it more CPU intensive). My Pi2 wasn't overclocked.

One example is 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' 3D disc, which I ripped separately to both containers. In the intro sequence with the barrage of action, chase, explosions, etc., Pi2 stuttered some & seemed to have a hard time keeping up. Played MVC MKV of same & played smoothly. Both over wired SMB via my Synology NAS. Just to rules out ISO as being the issue, played it via HiMedia Q5 and smooth playback.

Anyone else finding this? If so, are you using SMB, and have you tried via NFS to see if that helps?
[H]i-[d]eft [M]edia [K]een [V]ideosaurus

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RE: Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - by hdmkv - 2015-11-08, 16:30
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Kodi Media Player Options with 3D MVC & HD Audio17