Broken Kodi 18.8.0 - Kodi fails to obtain images while scraping movies
(2020-10-16, 04:25)Crashtastic Wrote: Can you confirm from the log file that you’re running into the same issue with the same log lines?  

Also, cam you confirm what version of the scraper add-on the log is picking up?  If Kodi is reading the updated scraper, you should see a log line similar to this:

2020-10-15 22:11:29.963 T:17208 NOTICE: ADDON: v3.2.5 installed

Yep:  I still seem to have the same long lines, and yep, looks like it has the newest version.

Do I need to refresh everything?  Or is the missing art supposed to just load on demand now?

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RE: Kodi 18.8.0 - Kodi fails to obtain images while scraping movies - by rossc719 - 2020-10-16, 04:44
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