NFO Creator Music videos
(2019-09-22, 07:59)zaidrockso Wrote: So i have given up on

Works for exactly what i need, but sadly doesn't seem to work for anything that's not English, I'm trying to create nfos for music videos in russian

Or anyway to scrape/ create nfos for music videos, audiodb/imvdb are very poor when it comes to unpopular / non-english songs.

Is there any NFO creator that will do what i want?

I just need it to make nfos for my library, all it needs to do is


If you are on windows you can use this batch file.
(video for proof)

It'll create nfo recursively. BUT IT'll OVERWRITE EXISTING ONES
i recommend using

artistname - title/artistname - title.ext

even if it'll work if all files are in one folder.

I am just unable to split artist and title from path, so artist and title will be the same.

Best Practice will be

1. Do lib Scan
2. Run Batch File
3. Export Library (will force overwrite existing file nfo)
4. rescan library


@echo off
REM Windows Title
TITLE NFO creator Musicvideos
ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO  Create NFO for Musicvideos, all existing will be overwritten
ECHO  Push key to Start
ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------------

for /r %%a in (*.mkv *.avi *.mp4) do (
echo ^<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?^>
echo ^<musicvideo^>
for %%b in ("%%~na") do echo ^    ^<title^>%%~b^</title^>
echo ^    ^<^!-- start test set attributes --^>
for %%b in ("%%~na") do echo ^    ^<path^>%~dp0^</path^>
for %%b in ("%%~na") do echo ^    ^<name^>%%~na^</name^>
for %%b in ("%%~na") do echo ^    ^<filenameandpath^>%%~a^</filenameandpath^>

echo ^    ^<^!-- end test --^>
REM test end
echo ^    ^<rating^>^0.000000^</rating^>
echo ^    ^<userrating^>^8^</userrating^>
echo ^    ^<epbookmark^>^0.000000^</epbookmark^>
echo ^    ^<year^>^</year^>
echo ^    ^<track^>^-1^</track^>
echo ^    ^<album^>^</album^>
echo ^    ^<artist^>^</artist^>
echo ^    ^<genre^>^</genre^>
echo ^    ^<outline^>^</outline^>
echo ^    ^<plot^>^</plot^>
echo ^    ^<tagline^>^</tagline^>
echo ^    ^<thumb^>^</thumb^>
echo ^    ^<status^>^</status^>
echo ^    ^<studio^>^</studio^>
echo ^    ^<art^>
echo ^        ^<fanart^>%~dp0^%%~na^-fanart.jpg^</fanart^>
echo ^        ^<poster^>%~dp0^%%~na^-poster.jpg^</poster^>
echo ^        ^<artistthumb^>%~dp0^%%~na^-artistthumb.jpg^</artistthumb^>
echo ^        ^<banner^>%~dp0^%%~na^-banner.jpg^</banner^>
echo ^        ^<clearlogo^>%~dp0^%%~na^-clearlogo.png^</clearlogo^>
echo ^        ^<discart^>%~dp0^%%~na^-discart.png^</discart^>
echo ^        ^<landscape^>%~dp0^%%~na^-landscape.jpg^</landscape^>
echo ^    ^</art^>
echo ^</musicvideo^>
ECHO Creatin is done
ECHO Push key to exit
Skins |  Titan M O D   •   S W A N (WIP)

Messages In This Thread
NFO Creator Music videos - by zaidrockso - 2019-09-22, 07:59
RE: NFO Creator Music videos - by Karellen - 2019-09-22, 08:22
RE: NFO Creator Music videos - by zaidrockso - 2019-09-22, 08:32
RE: NFO Creator Music videos - by Karellen - 2019-09-22, 09:01
RE: NFO Creator Music videos - by scott967 - 2019-09-24, 05:52
RE: NFO Creator Music videos - by docwra - 2019-09-24, 15:44
RE: NFO Creator Music videos - by scott967 - 2019-09-24, 17:16
RE: NFO Creator Music videos - by Powerhouse - 2019-09-24, 16:47
RE: NFO Creator Music videos - by mardukL - 2019-09-25, 11:52
RE: NFO Creator Music videos - by zaidrockso - 2019-09-25, 22:41
RE: NFO Creator Music videos - by zaidrockso - 2019-09-25, 23:27
RE: NFO Creator Music videos - by mardukL - 2019-09-26, 11:08
RE: NFO Creator Music videos - by zaidrockso - 2019-09-26, 11:32
RE: NFO Creator Music videos - by mardukL - 2019-09-26, 14:09
RE: NFO Creator Music videos - by zaidrockso - 2019-09-26, 14:34
RE: NFO Creator Music videos - by mardukL - 2019-09-26, 21:37
RE: NFO Creator Music videos - by zaidrockso - 2019-09-27, 01:05
RE: NFO Creator Music videos - by mardukL - 2019-09-28, 16:06
RE: NFO Creator Music videos - by docwra - 2019-09-27, 10:40
RE: NFO Creator Music videos - by mardukL - 2021-02-20, 17:29
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