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v13 Xperience1080 2.x
Can you explain the problem more detailed as I have no idea how hulu works in XBMC… did you add content from hulu as a custom home item or did you try to play it via recently added etc. ?
peace Black,

thanks for the quick response.
Hulu content is added to the Video Library (just like a downloaded movie or other TV Shows).
the plugin creates an .nfo file (for the database), and an .strm file that looks like this:

So, as you stated, things can show up in the recently added queue, and should be able to be played via the recently added widget under the TV Shows section.
Shows that I have 'downloaded', play just fine.
I can click under the TV Section, and go to TV Shows added through Hulu, and play them just fine.
but I'm guessing, however these items are called on the "Home Screen" under the widget is different from other skins.

should i turn on debug logging, and pastebin a log file?
Linux Mint 18 LTS 64-bit - Kodi 17 Beta6
Odroid-C2 - Libreelec v7.90.009
Playing strm's is afaik not supported with skin widgets, so there is nothing I can do. Confluence uses built-in recently added so that's why it may work there.
(2013-09-16, 13:21)`Black Wrote: Playing strm's is afaik not supported with skin widgets, so there is nothing I can do. Confluence uses built-in recently added so that's why it may work there.

Perhaps instead of using this to play widget items:

It would be better to use this:

^^ That's the method I used in Arctic in order to have the "Resume from / Start from beginning" selection dialog pop-up for resumable movies/episodes in the widgets. If streams are working for Arctic's widgets then this is the difference in method used. Although, it can be a real pain to change all that widget code once its already in place...
Arctic Fuse - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
I already changed it but I have a lot of unfinished changes at the moment so it's not committed yet. The reason for the skin widgets play method was missing artwork but that seems to work now so using PlayMedia is the better option.
great to hear!
Linux Mint 18 LTS 64-bit - Kodi 17 Beta6
Odroid-C2 - Libreelec v7.90.009
In fact you can test it right now because I already committed it some weeks ago. Smile So if you use the repo version, you need to download the latest version from git (make sure to use the Frodo branch if you don't use a Gotham Alpha). You can also just download this file and replace the existing one.
@`Black -- yup that did it (using the git version). and I love the way you have the List View on this version! really slick.
official skin of choice.

keep it goin'!
Linux Mint 18 LTS 64-bit - Kodi 17 Beta6
Odroid-C2 - Libreelec v7.90.009
any chance of adding support for Cinema Experience?

nevermind -- found the post.
Linux Mint 18 LTS 64-bit - Kodi 17 Beta6
Odroid-C2 - Libreelec v7.90.009
(2013-09-17, 18:57)`Black Wrote: I already changed it but I have a lot of unfinished changes at the moment so it's not committed yet. The reason for the skin widgets play method was missing artwork but that seems to work now so using PlayMedia is the better option.

Hi Blush

Fyi, skin widgets still does not work.

Then it doesn't work, you have to live with it.
(2013-09-23, 18:30)`Black Wrote: Then it doesn't work, you have to live with it.

I'm already living with it bro Undecided

Point is, i'm just a bit disappointed that you don't mention it, mainly before donation Sad
@Nemrod, i'm confused... what do you mean 'skin widgets still does not work'.
am I missing something?
Linux Mint 18 LTS 64-bit - Kodi 17 Beta6
Odroid-C2 - Libreelec v7.90.009
Everythings working perfectly with skin widgets ( TV Shows and Movies ) on my side, so Nemrod this must be something on your end and for sure not skin related.
(2013-09-24, 02:28)locomot1f Wrote: @Nemrod, i'm confused... what do you mean 'skin widgets still does not work'.
am I missing something?

Most of the time, TV shows images are not displayed on the front panel.

(2013-09-24, 09:29)butchabay Wrote: Everythings working perfectly with skin widgets ( TV Shows and Movies ) on my side, so Nemrod this must be something on your end and for sure not skin related.

The fact that skin widget works fine for you doesn't me it works for everybody, right ?

I said that because i found others with the same problem.
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