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Alpha Arctic Fuse
Is global widgets permanently gone? It's still showing in my setup but can't navigate without adding new widget at the top. Should I delete the file? (EDIT: I didn't see the global widget is still in widget customization window. I think it's just a bug that you can't move down to global widgets if you don't have category widget.)

How do I change episode title in TMDb Helper like adding season and episode number (1x02 - episode title)?
(2024-04-25, 21:09)Patkino Wrote:
(2024-04-24, 21:54)loddie Wrote:
(2024-04-21, 20:47)Patkino Wrote: Please tell me what am I missing, because the bug for me is veery annoying..
I have classic (basic) vertical layout with four menu items and widgets within each.
Why every time skin reloads I can't get to widgets from the first and the second menu item and have to go down to the third, go right and up?!
After I do it one time - navigation works fine until the next skin reloadSad

I am also experiencing this, I took a quick video of it too, since its a bit hard to explain in words: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2qHfurQ1apE
Well, after the last update my navigation in basic mode is completely broken. Can't navigate right to any widget row except the last one.
Happens only with combined widgets enabled. Same with horizontal menu option enabled

Same thing here, i have to either reload the skin which works 1/3 of the time or restart kodi...
I'm having a bug on latest build where below my widgets there seems to be some sort of videos ,new movies and new episodes widgets that I've not made. They will spin like something is going to load then it will go back to nothing there. And they are gone. With some new Videos sections Files>folder/playlist>folder/video add-ons >folder. Really very confusing and discovery is back on the left side that I've previously removed.
I played around with the latest version and I don't recommend to update your main device yet...
I'm excited with this changes. Just waiting for the bug fixes.
So there is a lot of kind of widgets now.

Global widgets
Category widgets
Side widgets
Hub widgets

Hoping that the spotlight can also change it's visibility just like the categories.
(2024-04-26, 01:56)kenshi_blind Wrote:
(2024-04-25, 21:09)Patkino Wrote:
(2024-04-24, 21:54)loddie Wrote: I am also experiencing this, I took a quick video of it too, since its a bit hard to explain in words: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2qHfurQ1apE
Well, after the last update my navigation in basic mode is completely broken. Can't navigate right to any widget row except the last one.
Happens only with combined widgets enabled. Same with horizontal menu option enabled

Same thing here, i have to either reload the skin which works 1/3 of the time or restart kodi...
Reported the issue on gh🤷🏻‍♂️
Thumbs Up 
i saw your report on gh and i also commented on it , hopefully it helps @jurialmunkey to reproduce the issue and fix it if possible

After the latest update I started to wonder how I could set up an easy visible search.
In my last variant (using classic mode) I just navigated up (from my first hub) and the search is activated.
My two issues were only that 1) the search result was not saved so if accidentally navigated back down to my widgets i lost the search and I had to type again. 2) I needed a second click to start typing.
After the today's changes the Search on Up is gone... 
Now I moved it to the left side as a hub but I need like 3 click to be able to start typing the search term. And also when I navigating up from my normal hub's widgets, as I dont have anything on the Search hub (no widgets currently) it is just focusing on nothing and I have to navigate to the left (to the menu column) to be able to click on the search icon.

So I am wondering how you are managing your search (hub/...).

Hi ! I don't know if it's the same problem as you, for a few days I've had new Widgets that appeared automatically, identical in all my categories. But I can't delete them because they are missing from the settings. Is there a solution to remove them ?
Post 1863 5 posts above this I posted of same thing. Unsure what it is or where they have came from. Maybe @jurial can chime in and explain what's going on with these. I'm sure he has a method to adding these just unsure what or why.
(2024-04-27, 20:02)Bindou Wrote: Hi ! I don't know if it's the same problem as you, for a few days I've had new Widgets that appeared automatically, identical in all my categories. But I can't delete them because they are missing from the settings. Is there a solution to remove them ?

you have to go to Customize Widgets

then choose the Category you want to edit, then go to either `Edit widgets` or `Edit side widgets` and remove them

i can't remember which one and i'm honestly not sure what the difference between a widget and a side widget is - maybe my config makes them look the same
(2024-04-27, 20:02)Bindou Wrote: Hi ! I don't know if it's the same problem as you, for a few days I've had new Widgets that appeared automatically, identical in all my categories. But I can't delete them because they are missing from the settings. Is there a solution to remove them ?

I think that's a global widgets or side widgets.
Goto widget customization > edit categories > edit global widgets/side widgets
Thanks for your help guys. However my global Widget list is empty. And in my list of Widgets by category, I can see my Widgets, but not these famous excess Widgets which were added on their own after an update of Fuse. did I miss something? Is it the same for you @Matthuis ?
Hi @jurialmunkey
Can you make a disc style widget? 😊
And it will animate when it's on focus. 😅
I just found them go to your category widgets mine are progress,movies,TV shows. Click on each one individual. Then edit side widgets. Delete all the new ones that you've not made yourself. It improved my speed of widgets back to where it was before this change took place. Whoop whoop. Im telling you it's there. If it's not side widgets it's global widgets inside each category or hub. Give it a go.
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