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Solved Kodi 17.x Installation problem with KB2670838 Win7 x64
I have Kodi on 3 win7 machines. On 2 i went to V17 some time ago; on my main media server I left it on v16 & waited to see how I liked it on my other machines. Just today tried to update on the main machine and couldn't.

So, on the computer this is about have not done a thing. It's been working fine (though almost no application is run on that computer OTHER than Kodi, still on V16).

Maybe something in some Windows file got screwed up at some point. I don't really care where the problem is; just that I can continue to use Kodi.
So you have three Windows 7 machines, two have Kodi 17 installed and working fine & on the other one Kodi doesn't install. How do you expect the Kodi developers to do anything about this when you said yourself that it works on 2 out of 3 of your installs. Maybe you should try re-installing Windows, I'm not sure what other advice you are expecting here to be honest.
(2017-09-09, 22:51)FXB78 Wrote: So you have three Windows 7 machines, two have Kodi 17 installed and working fine & on the other one Kodi doesn't install. How do you expect the Kodi developers to do anything about this when you said yourself that it works on 2 out of 3 of your installs. Maybe you should try re-installing Windows, I'm not sure what other advice you are expecting here to be honest.

Never mind. It's all my fault. What on earth was I thinking, that Kodi Admin might help with getting Kodi working. Stupid me. That's for that, buddy. You're a peach.

It is a shame that you are experiencing problems with one of your Kodi installs.

But please remember we are not a paid support forum. Nor are we a Microsoft help desk. Kodi works fine. You can attest to that as you have 2 other installs that are working. If there is some problem with your third computer, then it is outside the scope of this forum to help you fix it. Kodi is not the cause of the issue, it is the experiencing the effects of the issue. We cannot help you fix it if you do not fix the underlying problem.

Maybe try a re-install as @FXB78 advised or, if you are not that great with computers, seek professional assistance from Microsoft or local computer specialist.

There is only so much assistance we are able to provide here. Please respect that and keep the narky attitude in check.
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(2017-09-10, 01:07)right.vote Wrote: Never mind. It's all my fault. What on earth was I thinking, that Kodi Admin might help with getting Kodi working. Stupid me. That's for that, buddy. You're a peach.
Nobody is saying it's 'all your fault', but you said yourself it works on 2 of your 3 Windows 7 installs, so as Karellen says above it clearly works on Windows 7. I'm just pointing out that there are limits to what people here can help you with. Karellen's post pretty much covers the rest.
Did you exhaust all possibilities in this link? https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...=KB2670838 a lot of the suggestions have led to solutions, it's likely your issue solve is one. https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=298462
As SO many other I had the same problem, I was ready to give up Kodi and choose another.
I felt like there was nothing happening when it cames to sort this help out, too much confusing pclanguage that most people doesnt understand and that still didn't help.So I searched online and found the answer on youtube, and it did work, I can install Kodi now. I have Windows 7 and does not know if this will work for others but for Windows 7 it did.
What I did was:

1. Download the installer

2. RightClick on the installer and choose 'Troubleshoot compatibility

3. Choose 'Try recomended settings'

4 Click on 'Start the program'

5. Click on 'Yes'

That made Kodi finally install on my pc

I have windows 7 and this is what worked, I now have Kodi installed.
After have been trying for hours, trying to fix paths and windows updates to no use at all, sharing the frustraion of Kodi not installing even though I've had no problem sin the past like so many others this is what worked.
Im thankful for those who works with Kodi but I have to be honest and say that when so many of your users tell you about a problem you should listen, imagine how many that has not signed up on this forum to ask questions, all of those who do not 'speak 'computerlanguage, you left them all hanging and I can only imagine how many users you have lost.
I cant promise that this solutin wil lwork for everyone but it has worked for so many of us and we shouldnt have to find the solution on youtube.

And we have found a fix BUT you have to sort it out so that people dont have to use this solution, all other updates have worked this one didn't and its not on the users it's on the developers, Im not blaming you and thinking bad of you but the problem isnt with the users since its always worked before, it's this update.

I do not 'speak computerlanguage and I have no knowledge about coding but the solution I have wrote works for many of us and maybe it can help you devlopers to solve where the problem is.
Most of all I hope that the solution wil lwork for people so they dont have to sit for hours trying to solve something that worked in less than 30 seconds using that method above, I can only hope it works for most people, but most I hope the devlopers sort this problem out with the installer for the next update at least because if people can install kodi they wont use it and they will choose another way to watch movies etc, sure there will be people knowing coding and computers that will sort the problem and understan but the majority of the people does not.
(I even took the time to register on the forum for the first time just so I could help people in the same situation,I have only read the forum for years,
I do not want other to sit for hours like and be frustrated and if it can help anyone then Im happy)
@Lynx999 Thanks for your kind words, this solution works for some, but not all apparently.
(2017-09-12, 22:46)PatK Wrote: @Lynx999 Thanks for your kind words, this solution works for some, but not all apparently.

No thank you, Kodi (even though I as the old dinasour I am still call it XBMC) is one of the best thing that has happened to the internet.

When you get a 'old' woman(45) to get all interested in Kodi and love the functionality and the design then it's not bad, its the apeal to us non-computer people that makes Kodi as great as it is, but even I with no knowledge understand how much work there is behind and how complex it is, I always tell people to use Kodi because there is no other like it.

But yeah I just wanted to help those i could so despite my habbit not to register at forum anst read and get knowledge that way I just felt I wanted to try and that way could help at least som epeople(and maybe the developers in finding out a solution so all people can download and install Kodi)

Now I will sneak away quietly and hopefully not having to write again on the forum(I'm like a man that way that I want to fix all problems myself,even though it most often take more time that way, hehe he)
Have a nice evening and once again thank you all people behind Kodi.
I *am* a PC tech. One of my clients asked me to install this on his computer. I ran into this KB problem. Researched a number of issues and solutions with nothing working. I saw the very poor customer service skills documented in this thread by Kodi Devs. This is part of your problem. You cannot arrive at a solution when after FIVE MONTHS you are still in denial about the problem. Lynx999's solution worked for me.

My message to the Kodi Developers...

This installer issue has been going on LONG ENOUGH!
We appreciate your product and love you! But seriously.. stop blaming this issue on peoples computers.
When your installer says it will not install because an update is not there.. THAT IS THERE.. that is your installers problem.. NOT THE OS or the person using the OS.

If you would like access to a computer with the problem to run tests PM me and I will give you access.

Thank you again.
The error arises out of a windows problem, not a Kodi problem. Fix Windows.
If I have helped you or increased your knowledge, click the 'thumbs up' button to give thanks :) (People with less than 20 posts won't see the "thumbs up" button.)
I think if people coming to this thread now have a look back though all the pages, they will see that the devs have in fact been listening and the installer was changed to make it more robust. So, it is not factual to say that the devs don't care or aren't fixing anything. The requirement to check for hotfixes in windows Vista and Windows 7 sp1 was new in Kodi 17.1. The check was deemed mandatory to ensure that current and future releases of Kodi run correctly on these two platforms. At this point, if the installer reports that the platform update is required, it means there is some problem with the core parts of windows OS that manages things like hotfixes. Some advice has been given earlier in the thread on approaches that could be taken to fix Windows, but I don't think anyone (users or devs) here are able to say "do this, and windows will be fixed and the installer will run". I appreciate it is frustrating when a program won't run, and there is no easy or obvious way to fix the problem. Some advice has been given that more or less avoids the requirement to check for the update. A user can of course follow those advices, but then the problem is if Kodi isn't running right due to problems in Windows there probably is zero percent chance that anyone can provide help for that.

I get that if Kodi won't install for you then it is 100% broken regardless how many other users have it running on various Windows and other platforms.

scott s.
Windows - Kodi 17.x Installation problem with KB2670838 Win7 x86

any help ? i even triied to add that line to power shell and its useless !!

All the assistance we can offer is contained in this thread.

I suggest reading the thread. A good place to start is Post#241 and onwards.
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Kodi 17.x Installation problem with KB2670838 Win7 x643