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IPTVSimple PVR-addon with XMLTV EGP
(2013-10-30, 10:32)Cassiel Wrote: Any chance of a OS X build? Can't find one…

(2013-10-20, 13:32)amm8990 Wrote: That is not the answer, it is simple http stream. I am interested why the are not working, it shows up that there is a bug as @afedchin said or simple the problem with the Connection:keep-alive and Connection:close header. The problem can be fixed, and the following video on yt confirms that

Anyway, if you don't believe me, try using the redirected URL directly, that also may indecate in the direction that xbmc does not handle 302 responce correctly

#EXTINF:-1  tvg-id="Nettv" tvg-name="nettv" tvg-logo="Nettv", Nettv

The only problem is that you cannot always use direct URL, most of the stream require authentication, and when correct username and password is provided the server returns some kind of temporal URL which is probably created using username and password parameters (kind of hash value).

Unfortunately IPTV doesn't handle authentication or redirect url's. A simple solution would be to write a script that takes care of the authentication for you and returns a m3u8 (HLS) type response back to XBMC for it to resolve.

So your m3u file would be like:
#EXTINF:-1  tvg-id="Nettv" tvg-name="nettv" tvg-logo="Nettv", Nettv
http://<some ip>/yourscript?channel=nettv<or any other parameter you need passed>

Your script would do the necessary authentication against Net TV and retrieve the correct playback url. Take this url and format it into a m3u8 format and send it back to IPTV. Theortically this should work.
I am not able to run the IPTVSimple PVR-addon on XBMC BOXEE BOX version (based on the Ghotam) error while activate the PVR, could someone help?
Hello guys,
to hav semi-working HLS playing (m3u8 streams), there is need that m3u8 chunk playlist will contain full url of ts chunks, because if not, XBMC will try to find it localy, so that's BAD.



If we put to playlist m3u URL, that produced GOOD one chunklist, channel will play. BUT, only that 4 chunks, that's means, XBMC will not refresh chunk list. And I DO NOT KNOW WHY.

My log form XBMC is here:

Important things starting at line 819 to 825 then 897, and ends on 1099.

Any idea?
Can someone help me please, how can i switch my channel with a remote without going back or stopping anything. i'm using IPTVSimple PVR-addon on XBMC ( win 7 x64 ).

thank you guys already for any help!
(2013-10-31, 22:12)maxwel Wrote: Can someone help me please, how can i switch my channel with a remote without going back or stopping anything. i'm using IPTVSimple PVR-addon on XBMC ( win 7 x64 ).

thank you guys already for any help!

You have to tell us which skin you use?
What version of IPTVSimple PVR-addon ? You must have 1.8.1
With the new Confluence Skin switching channels work with the cursor up and down in full screen on keybord
,even a tiny "RasPi" works beautifully with the skins, change the channel via hdmi remote goes through forvad button on TV remote and remote xbmc for android
My Advice to you,change skin (Everithing will work as you wish ) Wink

(2013-10-31, 17:23)san77 Wrote: Hello guys,
to hav semi-working HLS playing (m3u8 streams), there is need that m3u8 chunk playlist will contain full url of ts chunks, because if not, XBMC will try to find it localy, so that's BAD.
First you must try your adress on PC VLC-Player or browser
Your adress must look somthing like this excamples.
XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
(2013-11-01, 12:54)Angelinas Wrote: First you must try your adress on PC VLC-Player or browser
Your adress must look somthing like this excamples.
At 1st, u did not get what i ment.

I have playlist for IPTVSimple, which is m3u, that playlist is loaded well.
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="stv1" group-title="Slovenske",STV1-MovioStream
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="stv2" group-title="Slovenske",STV2-MovioStream

So that playlist is loaded well. When i chose for example channel STV1. there is generated m3u8 (HLS) chunk list, that should be refreshed by player periodicaly to get new commands about strem chunks, and so. BUT, SIMPLEIPTV or XBMC or FFMPEG ( i do not know who's fault it is) do not refresh m3u8 chnk list. it simply play 4 chunks that it got first time, it will play it for approx 40 seconds (4 times 10sec chunk) and ends.
That's an core of problem. Not an playlist for IPTVSimple.

BTW: if i open in VLC, it plays smoothly, witouth problems. I have native app for android that plays that streams also well, but i want ti integrate that streams to XBMC.
Hoi Angelinas, thank you for your quick reply . i'm using Aeon Nox and IPTVSimple 1.6.1 . maybe that was the problem, i'll try to upgrade .

Win7 64 bit + XBMC + IPTVSimple + Webgrab works perfectly!
Edit m3u 4 hours.
Edit confog.xml 1 hour.
In Hungary, it works!
Anyone has a Linux compiled version of the plugin?
Hoi Angelinas, I'm using now IPTVSimple 1.8.1 but i still have the same problem!
(2013-11-05, 21:27)maxwel Wrote: Hoi Angelinas, I'm using now IPTVSimple 1.8.1 but i still have the same problem!
Try with android aplikation for Phone (Official XBMC Remote)
Just sett your Ip address in settings of apk,with your skin Aon if not work try to change skin in confluance new.

Changig channel works for me on remote screen with button left and right from pause.
XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
I tried installing iptv simple 1.8.1 in my android phone (HTC One) Got an error while trying: "Dependencies not met".
Can someone please help me to resolve this issues?

Hoi Angelinas, thnks for help.. i'll try that 2morrow ..
Olá amigos, sou novo no grupo. Uso IPTVSimple no XBMC Gothan para Arm7, consegui configurar a lista .m3u com os canais e estão funcionando ok, Em relação ao EPG gostaria de saber se é possível configurar através de um serviço de internet tipo esse: http://www.hagah.com.br/programacao-tv/j...eradora=15 e como faço para fazer isso. Obrigado a todos!
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IPTVSimple PVR-addon with XMLTV EGP14