MrPatate @
barev Ok, to confirm some things I found a portable Krypton Kodi and was able to reproduce both your issues. First, it would seem that due to old constraints, the weather widget has to be named Weather, just as entered in the original widget set up, or else it will not work. If I'm right, then simply changing the name back will make the widget visible again. It's puzzling because the weather name is not visible anywhere, so there's no real need to change it at all. I'm not sure if this is a relic from an old setup or if it is necessary for some reason. If you can confirm that this fixes the problem, I can then look into why things are as they are.
As far as the issue with the errors is concerned, I managed to track down the most likely culprit. Basically, it all comes down to the fanart. Because the skin officially supports Artwork Beef and is still compatible with the old Artwork Downloader format, the skin searches for fanart images to display in all possible locations, so as to work seamlessly between add-ons, what you have is what you should see. However, that also means the skin searches the folders that AD used to reference - in the path of individual library items, and indexes each image individually, like AD did.
Normally, this shouldn't cause any issues, but for some reason, certain add-ons, like those listed in your log, (Classic Cinema and a few others) seem to view this situation as an error, probably because of the way they're set up. I presume that any widgets based on these add-ons are affected as well, hence the Library Provider errors. The reason why other skins most likely don't have any error listings is that they do not have Artwork Beef support or expanded AD extrafanart support either, and just use the standard methods of retrieval. I don't think that there's a way to prevent them without removing the AD backend completely.