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Broken Weather Underground
nevermind... found it
(2012-03-22, 16:47)Southcross Wrote: nevermind... found it

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i'm currently working on the next wunderground release and would appreciate a few people testing the addon:

there's lots of new stuff included...

I) extended weather properties:
  • 10 day forecast
  • hourly forecast
  • weekend forecast
  • 36 hour forecast
  • yesterday's weather
  • weather alerts
  • animated radar images (WIP: US only)

II) besides fetching weather for a location, you can now also fetch weather by:
  • U.S. zip code
  • latitude, longitude
  • airport code
  • personal weather station

III) if wunderground does not list your location and you have to use a near-by location,
you can still have xbmc display the name of your location instead

IV) the addon also includes a module that can be imported by other (weather) addons,
enabling them to fetch weather data through the wunderground api as well.

please report all bugs you come across.
if you catch one:
- go to the addon settings and activate 'Enable Logging' in advanced options
- post your logfile on pastebin
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a few notes on the new features listed above...

- needs skin support, so probably none of this will show up in your skin yet.
- skinners, see README for available weather proprties
- animated radar was just implemented by wunderground last week, currently only US locations are supported

you can set it all up under advanced options


see wunderground api docs for more examples

location names can also be changed in advanced options

addon developers, see for instruction on how to use the module
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question: when I boot up it usually takes 20-30 seconds before my wifi hooks up. Because of this I have to refresh the weather addon manually in order to get the weather showing. If I don't, the "no connection logo" just stays. Is there a way to fix this?
(2012-03-24, 20:01)ronie Wrote: i'm currently working on the next wunderground release and would appreciate a few people testing the addon:

No bugs to report as of yet. What I can say from a skinning perspective is that it's mostly compatible with the weather plus markup (which I'm sure was on purpose). I did notice that weather underground reports back the temps with the temperature scale included. For percent chance of rain and humidity it appears to return the percent character. So skins that were using weather plus (like Confluence) need to take those characters out to avoid getting things like 56%%.

I did a quit hack on the Confluence weather files so that folks can try some of the extended stuff out. They are at:

In looking through the readme, I'm not sure how to get the videos working, so those don't work in the above files. Also, the readme says that the range for the weekend data is [1-2], but when I do that I get nothing back from Weekend.1. When I change it back to the way it was (i.e. range of [2-3]) I get both days back for the weekend like expected.

All told it's very exciting, especially given the apparent demise of weather plus.

EDIT: The zip file that now enables the new weather underground stuff *and* leaves weather+ intact. There are two separate folders now for confluence and confluence vertical.

EDIT 03/26/2012: The zip file now enables the weather underground map. Please note that you will see a section called Maps & Videos (at least in English) even though there are no videos and only one map. That's in the language/strings.xml file, and I didn't want to include an updated one just for testing. If it really offends your sensibilities, you can find the string entry 31906 (it should be near the bottom of the file) and change it to read Map (or whatever you want it to say).
I have just installed this and one bug immediately manifests itself:
I have the international setting to show the 12 hour clock (AM/PM) but the sunrise and sunset times appear in the 24 hour clock format.
The "Last updated" time does change with the clock format setting, however.
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(2012-03-25, 01:58)waxer Wrote: question: when I boot up it usually takes 20-30 seconds before my wifi hooks up. Because of this I have to refresh the weather addon manually in order to get the weather showing. If I don't, the "no connection logo" just stays. Is there a way to fix this?

hmmm... i wonder if that should be handled by the script or by xbmc...

i'm sure i could add a couple of retries to the script at a 10 sec interval or so,
but on the other hand it makes little sense that xbmc tries to fetch weather without an internet connection.
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(2012-03-25, 19:09)dnairb Wrote: I have just installed this and one bug immediately manifests itself:
I have the international setting to show the 12 hour clock (AM/PM) but the sunrise and sunset times appear in the 24 hour clock format.
The "Last updated" time does change with the clock format setting, however.

thanx for the report :-)
i'll look into localizing those time values
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(2012-03-25, 05:17)pkscuot Wrote: In looking through the readme, I'm not sure how to get the videos working

(2012-03-25, 05:17)pkscuot Wrote: Also, the readme says that the range for the weekend data is [1-2], but when I do that I get nothing back from Weekend.1. When I change it back to the way it was (i.e. range of [2-3]) I get both days back for the weekend like expected.

heh, good catch. that's a bug in the script.
weekend should be [1-2], i'll fix that one.

cheers for creating that Confluence mod!
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(2012-03-26, 03:32)ronie Wrote:
(2012-03-25, 05:17)pkscuot Wrote: In looking through the readme, I'm not sure how to get the videos working

Sorry, I meant maps. I'm not sure how to get the *maps* working. Blush
(2012-03-26, 03:52)pkscuot Wrote:
(2012-03-26, 03:32)ronie Wrote:
(2012-03-25, 05:17)pkscuot Wrote: In looking through the readme, I'm not sure how to get the videos working

Sorry, I meant maps. I'm not sure how to get the *maps* working. Blush
check if any images are downloaded in

if nothing's there, then that's the main problem :-)

other than that, you just use a multiimage control in the skin
with <imagepath>$INFO[Window.Property(MapPath)]</imagepath>
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(2012-03-26, 03:59)ronie Wrote: check if any images are downloaded in

if nothing's there, then that's the main problem :-)

other than that, you just use a multiimage control in the skin
with <imagepath>$INFO[Window.Property(MapPath)]</imagepath>

I was getting a 0K gif file in tmp but nothing else. I deleted my preference file and recreated my locations. Then I started getting the map.gif and all the png files as expected. I've updated the test Confluence skin files mentioned here to include map support now.
OK, so the map worked fine on my OSX machine (the one I use for development). But after pushing the changes to my Windows 7 box the map never loads. Looking at the log, I see a line indicating that it wasn't able to extract the individual images from the gif. When I look at the image in the tmp directory manually, there is no map that I can, just a "blank" image (but 202K in size). I enabled debugging and logging for the weather plugin and ran it again. The log is available here. It was larger than 500K, so I didn't even try to post it to pastebin.

I am running the PVR branch on my Windows box, and it's the one merged with the Eden release code. I can't imagine why that would matter, but if I need to I can try to find some time to install the stock Eden release and see what happens.

EDIT: I installed the stock Eden build and got the same result. A gif downloads, and it has a size, but no readable information in it.
(2012-03-27, 00:17)pkscuot Wrote: EDIT: I installed the stock Eden build and got the same result. A gif downloads, and it has a size, but no readable information in it.

thanx pkscuot, i've decided to give windows a shot as well and got the same issue.
after scratching my head for a few hours, i finally found the cause of the bug here:

so, easy fix: mapfile = open(tmpfile, 'wb')
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