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[WIP] Metropolis skin
No worries. I completely understand your reasons. You can maybe keep these points in mind for your next skin Wink

Btw, does the skin use any specific tags to identify 3D movies? I have renamed all my movies with ".3DBD.3D." but I'm not getting the 3D icon.
(2012-08-25, 01:38)ajamils Wrote: No worries. I completely understand your reasons. You can maybe keep these points in mind for your next skin Wink

It still may happen. Stoli actually maintains this skin -- I've just been helping out because I really love it. This particular area I've added, but that doesn't stop him or anyone else from extending it, of course. I just wouldn't have the time personally to make the kind of sweeping changes you're looking for.

(2012-08-25, 01:38)ajamils Wrote: Btw, does the skin use any specific tags to identify 3D movies? I have renamed all my movies with ".3DBD.3D." but I'm not getting the 3D icon.

I don't have any 3D movies, but according to other people here, the correct source tag is "bd3d". At least, that's what will match the icon I can see in the skin, I just have no way of actually verifying it at the moment as I don't have any 3D movies.
@Amra (or anyone better than me with a paint program),

I just pushed up changes to add Music Videos to the Home main menu. We need new icons and backgrounds for it now.

The following placeholder images need updating:

* media/home/musicvideos.jpg
* extra/home1/musicvideos.jpg
* extras/home2/icon_musicvideos.jpg

Please and thank you Smile
@sialavi, just FYI, the Music Videos link is now broken out to the main menu. Its submenu includes all of the links you'd normally see if you browsed to it via the Videos link (Genres, Artists, Albums, etc).
(2012-08-24, 20:22)ajamils Wrote: - Ability to Override the default like with any item (right now I can only override it with an add-on). That way, I can make "Movie" goes to the "Unwatched Movies" smart playlist directly.

Just pushed this up.

Doing this next (Favourite, anyway):

- Ability to add any item (favorite, add-on, playlist) to the sub-menu (right now I can only add Playlists)
Added option to add Favourites to submenus. I'm still considering Addons, but not sure if I'll do it tonight.
(2012-08-24, 20:34)jingai Wrote:
(2012-08-24, 20:22)ajamils Wrote: - Ability to add more sub-menus (right now it seems to be restricted to 3 items)

The problem is limited space. I could allow the submenu to scroll, but it was my opinion that that wasn't a good idea. If enough people disagree with me, I'll change it.

(2012-08-24, 20:22)ajamils Wrote: - Ability to hide the default sub-menus

If you can propose a way to do this without adding another 50 configuration items, I might consider it... but I hadn't planned on doing this either.

I like how Hitcher does it with Alaska Revisited. He has a "Submenu" menu (like your Home Items) and on the right side are the Home items where you can expand them to edit (and he has everything with submenus - i.e. Pictures would be nice to have Wink). Within there you can turn off default submenus for the Home item and you can add/edit up to six new submenus for each of the Home items. I think six is a good compromise as just off the bat I would like to have Movie submenus for: 1080HD Movies, 720HD Movies, DVD Movies, Kids Movies, IMDB Top Rated Movies and IMDB Top 250 Movies. He also allows you to add new Home items, which is really nice as well, but maybe out-of-scope for your time.

My 2¢ but I've been loving the work you guys have done! Thx!

Couple of issues I've run across (using Eden - Metropolis (Git)( updated from Passion):

1) There's an oddity under Movie Library, views Poster Large and Poster & Fanart: runtime and genre overlap on some, but not all of my movies, with no rhyme or reason. These two views have genre on the right, where most, if not all other views, have them on the left (if that makes a difference). And in some cases, the number of genres were not too many, so it's not that.
2) I have a Movie playlist setup to give me a list of the IMDB Top 250 movies, and I needed to make a change to it, but it didn't display the change (just kept what was the original playlist). As a simple test, I just changed the display from Ascending to Descending, and it didn't take that either. Jumped over to Confluence and it displayed the playlist correctly.

Didn't think you needed a log for this, but if you do, I can post it.

Added some better music video icons, but we're in need of more.

Calling artists for some genre icons... We need Genre icons for:

* Foreign
* Holiday
* Indie
* Neo-Noir
* Suspense
* Classic Rock

Probably more, but those are the ones I know of.
Here's a bunch of more suggestions, as well as some suggestion for images that can be recycled for them since it's a lot of work to come up with new ones:

* Alternative Rock (already exists as Alt. Rock)
* Metal (re-use Heavy Metal)
* Rock Ballad (re-use Rock)
* Black Metal (re-use Death Metal)
* Cover
* Drum and Bass / Drum & Bass / Drum 'n' Bass / DnB / D&B
* Chiptune / SID
* Gothenburg Metal (re-use Death Metal)
* Melodic Death Metal (re-use Death Metal)
* Gothic (re-use Goth)
* Hard Rock
* Hip-Hop (already exists as Hip Hop)
* Indie Rock (re-use Rock)
* Industrial Metal (re-use Industrial)
* Live
* Nerdcore
* Nu-Metal (already exists as Nu Metal)
* Power Metal (re-use Heavy Metal)
* Progressive Rock (re-use Rock)
* Punk Rock (re-use Punk)
* Thrash Metal (re-use Heavy Metal)
* Orchestral
* Chant (re-use Religious)
* Gregorian Chant (re-use Religious)
* Instrumental
* Synth
* Synthpop
* Acid House (re-use Acid Jazz or House)
* Britpop (re-use Alt. Rock)

A new Default Music Genre image might be good as well, it feels a bit out of place
Have u added the ability to add video playlists to the homescreen yet? It a feature that I've been praying for since the skin's release.
(2012-08-26, 15:31)Shinu Wrote: Have u added the ability to add video playlists to the homescreen yet? It a feature that I've been praying for since the skin's release.

I have just recently pushed up changes to allow you to modify the default links for Movies, TV Shows, Music, Music Videos, and Pictures. You can point them to a playlist of your choosing, among other things.

I've also added custom Playlist/Favourites links in the submenus for the aforementioned items.

It isn't likely that we'll add arbitrary customization of the main menu, but these changes might get you what you want. If not, you can always edit the XML and add the items yourself.
(2012-08-26, 03:18)tuckbodi Wrote: 1) There's an oddity under Movie Library, views Poster Large and Poster & Fanart: runtime and genre overlap on some, but not all of my movies, with no rhyme or reason. These two views have genre on the right, where most, if not all other views, have them on the left (if that makes a difference). And in some cases, the number of genres were not too many, so it's not that.

I'm not seeing this on any of the 400 movies I have in my library.. not sure why it's happening for you. If you can give me some example movies where it happens I can see if I can't figure it out.

(2012-08-26, 03:18)tuckbodi Wrote: 2) I have a Movie playlist setup to give me a list of the IMDB Top 250 movies, and I needed to make a change to it, but it didn't display the change (just kept what was the original playlist). As a simple test, I just changed the display from Ascending to Descending, and it didn't take that either. Jumped over to Confluence and it displayed the playlist correctly.

It displayed correctly right away in Confluence, or did you re-do the modification you made using Confluence first? If the former, I have no idea other than perhaps the skin reload (that is, switching skins at all) is what triggered it to work?? Otherwise I don't see how this could be the skin's fault.
(2012-08-26, 19:15)jingai Wrote:
(2012-08-26, 03:18)tuckbodi Wrote: 1) There's an oddity under Movie Library, views Poster Large and Poster & Fanart: runtime and genre overlap on some, but not all of my movies, with no rhyme or reason. These two views have genre on the right, where most, if not all other views, have them on the left (if that makes a difference). And in some cases, the number of genres were not too many, so it's not that.

I'm not seeing this on any of the 400 movies I have in my library.. not sure why it's happening for you. If you can give me some example movies where it happens I can see if I can't figure it out.

I verified this on my Mac mini as well and an example is Thor. I also pulled up Thor in Confluence and the metadata appears correctly there.


(2012-08-26, 19:15)jingai Wrote:
(2012-08-26, 03:18)tuckbodi Wrote: 2) I have a Movie playlist setup to give me a list of the IMDB Top 250 movies, and I needed to make a change to it, but it didn't display the change (just kept what was the original playlist). As a simple test, I just changed the display from Ascending to Descending, and it didn't take that either. Jumped over to Confluence and it displayed the playlist correctly.

It displayed correctly right away in Confluence, or did you re-do the modification you made using Confluence first? If the former, I have no idea other than perhaps the skin reload (that is, switching skins at all) is what triggered it to work?? Otherwise I don't see how this could be the skin's fault.
On this one playlist, if I made the change in Metropolis, it would not display the change there. If I jumped over to Confluence though, it would immediately display the change. And, if I made a change in Confluence, it would then display the change in both Confluence and keep it when I jumped back to Metropolis. Odd.

BUT, I just created a new playlist duplicating the old one's settings (and it's really old) and I see the new playlist is working correctly (i.e. changing ascending/descending). I'm now thinking maybe this playlist is so old something isn't compatible or it's semi-corrupt? In any regards, everything is how I want it now for my playlist(s)!

(2012-08-27, 00:05)tuckbodi Wrote:
(2012-08-26, 19:15)jingai Wrote:
(2012-08-26, 03:18)tuckbodi Wrote: 1) There's an oddity under Movie Library, views Poster Large and Poster & Fanart: runtime and genre overlap on some, but not all of my movies, with no rhyme or reason. These two views have genre on the right, where most, if not all other views, have them on the left (if that makes a difference). And in some cases, the number of genres were not too many, so it's not that.

I'm not seeing this on any of the 400 movies I have in my library.. not sure why it's happening for you. If you can give me some example movies where it happens I can see if I can't figure it out.

I verified this on my Mac mini as well and an example is Thor. I also pulled up Thor in Confluence and the metadata appears correctly there.

Found the problem and fixing it now. Will push it up in a minute.

FYI, the reason I didn't see it is because it only happened if the Duration tag did not contain the word "min" at the end. Not sure why a few of yours are like that, but it will work either way now.
(2012-08-24, 20:22)ajamils Wrote: - Ability to add any item (favorite, add-on, playlist) to the sub-menu (right now I can only add Playlists)

I went ahead and added slots for Addons. So all three are now supported. Just FYI Wink
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[WIP] Metropolis skin5