(2012-12-05, 16:48)>>X<< Wrote: Doesn't work for me, I scraped the titles below and got the following results (in brackets)
Premium Rush (Maltin on Movies" Premium Rush)
The Dark Knight Rises (Maltin on Movies" The Dark Knight Rises)
The Bourne Legacy (Midnight Movie Review" The Bourne Legacy)
Edit : It works if I use ask but not Automatic
The problem is with IMDB results, not EMM. Automatic mode does not mean it will chose the correct result. You do understand that 1307 doesn't work at all in ask or automatic mode right? That you have to fetch your own imdb title numbers, paste it in, then ask it to scrape for each one.
(2012-12-06, 18:24)Randall Lind Wrote: I don't believe he fixed it or he would have posted it by now. I would stick with DarkKight until brodrick returns. I am not re-scrapping 1651 movies again I am so sick of it LOL.
Dan actually wrote a lot of code for the version of EMM you are using. He has his own fork and had posted merge requests to bodrick a long time ago that got merged in. He could just be testing it, or just wants to "release it" himself to get credit. It doesn't really matter. If he does have a better fix for auto scraping (he hasn't posted it to github), then you should be grateful, as nobody else is fixing it so far. If he wants to post his fix, I'll get it out asap, if not, then the 1308 code with the other patches merged is freely available on github, and he can base his fix off of that code and take over releasing.
That said, I rescraped my "meager" 500 movie library from scratch, and although I did have to select which movie it was for many of them, at least 1308 worked.