First of all, I'd like to say thank you to the people who continue development on this tool. It has helped me keep my media collection in great shape.
Secondly, I'd like to ask for some support using EMM with YAMJ, TV Shows and artwork. Using EMM release and YAMJ Compatibility module enabled, all boxes checked.
EMM correctly updates the following artwork;
Show fanart as Set_<Show>_1.fanart.jpg
Show poster as Set_<Show>_1.jpg
Season poster as <Show><Episode>SxxE01.jpg
Season fanart as <Show><Episode>SxxE01.fanart.jpg
Episode posters as <Show>.videoimage.jpg
but some of these require boxes to be checked in TV Shows - Files and Sources - File Naming in order to scrape properly, which creates extra artwork which is not needed by YAMJ
It does not properly save show banners or season banners. It's saving the following;
All Seasons poster as Season1.banner.jpg instead of Set_<Show>_1.banner.jpg
Not saving Season banners at all, or even prompting to scrape them
My hopeful question; Can the YAMJ Compatibility module be built into the TV Shows - Files and Sources - File Naming dialogue instead of requiring a separate module which doesn't function properly? ie. Can you add boxes to the File Naming section in order to accommodate YAMJ naming conventions?
I am willing to donate and help test, and I know other YAMJ users would donate for this functionality as well.
In case you don't know, here is the proper structure for YAMJ TV Shows and artwork;
-- Homeland
-- Season 1
-- Set_Homeland_1.jpg // this is the show poster
-- Set_Homeland_1.fanart.jpg // this is the show fanart
-- Set_Homeland_1.banner.jpg // this is the show banner
-- [b]Set_Homeland_1.nfo // this is the show NFO[/b]
-- Homeland S01E01 Pilot.jpg // this is the season 1 poster
-- Homeland S01E01 Pilot.banner.jpg // this is the season 1 banner
-- Homeland S01E01 Pilot.fanart.jpg // this is the season 1 fanart
-- Homeland S01E01 Pilot.videoimage.jpg // this is the episode fanart
-- Homeland S01E01 Pilot.nfo // this is the episode NFO
-- Season 2
-- Homeland S02E01 The Smile.jpg // this is the season poster
-- Homeland S02E01 The Smile.banner.jpg // this is the season banner
-- Homeland S02E01 The Smile.fanart.jpg // this is the season fanart
-- Homeland S02E01 The Smile.videoimage.jpg // this is the episode fanart
-- Homeland S02E01 Pilot.nfo // this is the episode NFO
Thank you for your consideration.