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[RELEASE] cdART Manager Script
Wow thats a fast fix :-D
LibreElec Kodi | Aeon MQ ?

i work first time with your script. I have edit all my music with picard and start your script. After some time i got this error when script will check fanart.tv for "Metallica"

11:02:08 T:4268 NOTICE: error:
11:02:08 T:4268 NOTICE: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'C:\\Users\\AdminEisi2005\\AppData\\Roaming\\XBMC\\userdata\\addon_data\\script.cdartmanager\\tempxml\\65f4f0c5-ef9e-490c-aee3-909e7ae6b2ab/bdacc37b-8633-4bf8-9dd5-4662ee651aec/a9044915-8be3-4c7e-b11f-9e2d2ea0a91e/b616d6f0-ec1f-4c69-8a79-12a97ece7372.xml'
11:02:08 T:4268 NOTICE: e.errno:
11:02:08 T:4268 NOTICE: 2
11:02:08 T:4268 NOTICE: errn.errorcode:
11:02:08 T:4268 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.NameError'>
Error Contents: global name 'errno' is not defined
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\AdminEisi2005\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cdartmanager\resources\lib\gui.py", line 71, in onInit
File "C:\Users\AdminEisi2005\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cdartmanager\resources\lib\gui.py", line 1048, in setup_all
first_check( all_artists, local_artists )
File "C:\Users\AdminEisi2005\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cdartmanager\resources\lib\fanarttv_scraper.py", line 328, in first_check
match[ "has_art" ] = check_art( artist[ "musicbrainz_artistid" ], artist_type = "album" )
File "C:\Users\AdminEisi2005\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cdartmanager\resources\lib\fanarttv_scraper.py", line 286, in check_art
htmlsource = ( get_html_source( url, str( mbid ), save_file = True, overwrite = True ) ).encode( 'utf-8', 'ignore' )
File "C:\Users\AdminEisi2005\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cdartmanager\resources\lib\utils.py", line 178, in get_html_source
print "errn.errorcode: ", errno.errorcode[e.errno]
NameError: global name 'errno' is not defined
-->End of Python script error report<--

That bug is also fixed in the version waiting to be pulled into the tell
Thanks for your answer
Can anyone tell me where I save an image that wasn't found during the online search, so that it appears as CDart for an album?

So - I think I've found CDart.png files in the music directories.... is this correct...? In that case, what is supposed to be saved in the folder I set in the settings menu, as that remains empty?

At first I imported a few songs to play with and got really good results. So I then imported the rest of my collection and all cd art manager sees is a few of them. I have refreshed my database a few different times and still no luck . How and where can i manually delete the database so I can start over with a fresh scan. Or am i missing a step somehow. Sorry still trying to figure out how to post a log and everything.

(2013-03-05, 11:41)haverer2 Wrote: Hi,
Can anyone tell me where I save an image that wasn't found during the online search, so that it appears as CDart for an album?

So - I think I've found CDart.png files in the music directories.... is this correct...? In that case, what is supposed to be saved in the folder I set in the settings menu, as that remains empty?

From the first page in this thread -
(2010-07-12, 02:19)giftie Wrote: Settings:
Files & Folders

Path to music library

This path represents the path skins use to access the ClearLOGOs(logo.png), fanart, extrafanart, Artist Thumbnails and Music banners on an artist level. This path does not need to point directly to your music library if you don't want to clutter up your music with ClearLOGOs or extrafanart. You can set up an 'Artwork' path which both your skins and the script will point to.
(2013-03-05, 15:30)blimes08 Wrote: At first I imported a few songs to play with and got really good results. So I then imported the rest of my collection and all cd art manager sees is a few of them. I have refreshed my database a few different times and still no luck . How and where can i manually delete the database so I can start over with a fresh scan. Or am i missing a step somehow. Sorry still trying to figure out how to post a log and everything.


getting the same.... I'm finding that the cdart will download and displays if I go into "select artist" but I then have to manually click on each one for it to download to the folder.... Auto download isn't working.
..can't delete this comment..
Might be getting nearer identifying the problem of CDart not working on my system..... I installed everything afresh on a new laptop and it worked.... so i went back to my HTPC and uninstalled XBMC and also removed all profile information. It then worked. I added a few more albums, still worked... I then enabled my LiveTV playback with NextPVR addon - added some more albums.... didn't work! Seems to coincide with enabling the plugin... disabling it doesn't make things work again though - anyone else able to try this if they are experiencing the same...

Anyway of working out whether the problems is fixable?
(2012-11-18, 22:16)giftie Wrote:
(2012-11-18, 14:38)nagash369 Wrote: Is it possible to separate the actual music files from the Artwork images (logo, cdart, etc.)?

Actually my setup prevents xbmc from making any changes to my music library, as the files are stored on a network drive with read-only access.
I tried to set the "Path to Music Library" setting of the cdART Manager to a folder xbmc can write to, but the logs indicate, that xbmc still tries to store downloaded cd arts to the read-only drive, side-by-side with the music files and fails.

At the moment the script does not allow cdARTs and cover arts to be any where but the album path. This was a decision made since the skin developers had set the plan. I will be adding the option soon though since it will be possible(in the release after Frodo) to set the artwork for music.

Is this functionality still going to be added? I too only give xbmc read only access to my media but would love to get album art to work right.
(2013-03-07, 04:22)pork Wrote:
(2012-11-18, 22:16)giftie Wrote:
(2012-11-18, 14:38)nagash369 Wrote: Is it possible to separate the actual music files from the Artwork images (logo, cdart, etc.)?

Actually my setup prevents xbmc from making any changes to my music library, as the files are stored on a network drive with read-only access.
I tried to set the "Path to Music Library" setting of the cdART Manager to a folder xbmc can write to, but the logs indicate, that xbmc still tries to store downloaded cd arts to the read-only drive, side-by-side with the music files and fails.

At the moment the script does not allow cdARTs and cover arts to be any where but the album path. This was a decision made since the skin developers had set the plan. I will be adding the option soon though since it will be possible(in the release after Frodo) to set the artwork for music.

Is this functionality still going to be added? I too only give xbmc read only access to my media but would love to get album art to work right.

It probably will get added as another setting option, to save the album/cdART in the supplied music path verses the path provided by the library

(2013-03-06, 01:42)haverer2 Wrote: Might be getting nearer identifying the problem of CDart not working on my system..... I installed everything afresh on a new laptop and it worked.... so i went back to my HTPC and uninstalled XBMC and also removed all profile information. It then worked. I added a few more albums, still worked... I then enabled my LiveTV playback with NextPVR addon - added some more albums.... didn't work! Seems to coincide with enabling the plugin... disabling it doesn't make things work again though - anyone else able to try this if they are experiencing the same...

Anyway of working out whether the problems is fixable?

No idea, I would need a debug log to see what the problem is...
(2012-11-18, 22:16)giftie Wrote: It probably will get added as another setting option, to save the album/cdART in the supplied music path verses the path provided by the library

that would be awesome, thanks.

I am just setting up CDArt Manager for the first time and I am worried it might overwrite my Album Covers (Folder.jpg) files ?

Overwrite Low-Res Existing cdARTs

If enabled, the script will look at the resolution of the local cdART and compare it to the one found on fanart.tv. If the local is smaller than 1000x1000 and the one on fanart.tv is 1000x1000 it will download from fanart.tv. This only is used for automatic download, as you can always overwrite when using the manual method. Also Cover Arts(folder.jpg) will always be overwritten as fanart.tv only has the resolution of 1000x1000 available.

I have not turned on this option to overwrite Low-Res Existing cdARTs so I am presuming it will not touch my existing Folder.jpg images ?

Also is there any up to date instructions which describe each setting in CDArt Manager ? The ones on the first page of this thread don't quite match the settings in the current version.

Many Thanks

Also what items will get saved in my Music folder on the server? and which get saved locally on the XBMC PC ?

I just downloaded the CDArt for one artist and I now have a cdart.png in that albums folder on the server. I then downloaded Artist Fanarts and Artist Clear Logos and I cannot see anything new in the artists folder or in the albums folders on the server, so where did they get stored ?

I think I see whats happening now, my music structure is like this:


If I look in the root of my music folder I can see it has created the following new folder:

\\WHS\Music\Kings of Leon

In here are these files:


However I have the Kings of Leon albums in this path:

\\WHS\Music\Alternative\Kings of Leon

So does this mean I will need to remove all the genre sub folders and just have all the artists in the root folder \\WHS\Music\ ?

What about compilation albums ? Should I just dump them all in to a Various Artists folder ? \\WHS\Music\Various Artists

EDIT: OK I restructured my music and got rid of the genre sub-folders. I now need to delete and recreate the music library in XBMC, also think I need to delete and recreate the CDArt Manager database. I am using MYSQL on the WHS server btw.

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[RELEASE] cdART Manager Script6