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[RELEASE] Free Cable - US station aggregator
For the last couple weeks, the content listing came up empty, now it throws an exception. I'm guessing ABC changed their XML format or something.
This is only for ABC. Everything else works fine.

Is anyone else seeing this error?


Error message:
start of FREE CABLE plugin
22:28:42 T:2800831296 NOTICE: FREE CABLE --> common :: getURL :: url = http://abc.go.com/watch/happy-endings/SH...25?rfr=rss
22:28:43 T:2800831296 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.IndexError'>
Error Contents: list index out of range
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/tv/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.free.cable/default.py", line 68, in <module>
modes ( )
File "/home/tv/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.free.cable/default.py", line 64, in modes
exec 'sitemodule.%s()' % common.args.sitemode
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/tv/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.free.cable/resources/lib/abc.py", line 48, in seasons
tabs_set = makeDict(re.compile('tabs.set\(\{(.+?)\}\);').findall(data)[0])
File "/home/tv/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.free.cable/resources/lib/abc.py", line 91, in makeDict
IndexError: list index out of range
-->End of Python script error report<--
22:28:43 T:3007641408 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.free.cable/?fanart=%22http%3a%2f%2fthetvdb.com%2fbanners%2ffanart%2foriginal%2f167571-11.jpg%22&mode=%22abc%22&name=%22Happy%20Endings%22&poster=%22http%3a%2f%2fthetvdb.com%2fbanners%2fposters%2f167571-6.jpg%22&sitemode=%22seasons%22&thumb=%22http%3a%2f%2fthetvdb.com%2fbanners%2fgraphical%2f167571-g4.jpg%22&tvdb_id=%22167571%22&url=%22http%3a%2f%2fabc.go.com%2fwatch%2fhappy-endings%2fSH55116425%3frfr%3drss%22
22:28:43 T:3007641408 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.free.cable/?fanart=%22http%3a%2f%2fthetvdb.com%2fbanners%2ffanart%2foriginal%2f167571-11.jpg%22&mode=%22abc%22&name=%22Happy%20Endings%22&poster=%22http%3a%2f%2fthetvdb.com%2fbanners%2fposters%2f167571-6.jpg%22&sitemode=%22seasons%22&thumb=%22http%3a%2f%2fthetvdb.com%2fbanners%2fgraphical%2f167571-g4.jpg%22&tvdb_id=%22167571%22&url=%22http%3a%2f%2fabc.go.com%2fwatch%2fhappy-endings%2fSH55116425%3frfr%3drss%22) failed
22:28:43 T:2800831296 NOTICE: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: false
22:28:43 T:2800831296 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
22:28:43 T:2800831296 NOTICE: addoncompat.py: XBMC Revision not available - Version String: 12.0 Git:fb595f2
22:28:43 T:2800831296 NOTICE:
I am getting an error with SyFy on Mac OS X with v12 Frodo. Syfy doesn't load, when I debug and get the url and paste in the browser I get a return message

22:37:23 T:4578361344 NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayer start, auto delete: false
22:37:23 T:4578361344 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
22:37:23 T:4578361344 WARNING: FillBuffer: curl failed with code 22
22:37:23 T:4578361344 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
22:37:23 T:4578361344 ERROR: Open - failed to open source <http://syfyhd-f.akamaihd.net/z/NBCU_Syfy/730/867/130122_2620254_Heroic_Proportions_mpxism16x9_1696.mp4>

I'm glad to help do some debugging/testing if you can point me in the right direction. URL that gets the error is: (and others like them)


gives error

"title": "Missing Release PID",
"description": "The release PID is missing.",
"isException": true,
"exception": "MissingReleasePid",
"responseCode": "400"

To add to this... the finalUrl is http://syfyhd-f.akamaihd.net/z/NBCU_Syfy...9_1696.mp4

and if I put that in a browser (which probably wouldn't work anyway) I get

You don't have permission to access "http://player.syfyhd-f.akamaihd.net/z/NBCU_Syfy/737/415/130115_2618781_Make_it_Reign_mpxism16x9_1696.mp4" on this server.
rockhopper, that is pretty much the same error I'm getting with USA, which I posted a page or two back. I'm very interested to figure out what is going on. I suspect something changed with the urls.
(2013-03-06, 05:21)wndrllama103 Wrote: For the last couple weeks, the content listing came up empty, now it throws an exception. I'm guessing ABC changed their XML format or something.
This is only for ABC. Everything else works fine.

Is anyone else seeing this error?

Yes, I went to abc.go.com to see if I could figure out the changes but I couldn't.
So for SyFy.. the valid link from a browser is:


but the generated link is:


Which *seems* like the link.theplatform.com may have changed to player.theplatform.com

I'm new at this (just 2 days) so excuse my ignorance if way off base. But I'm not sure where I can change the generated pllugin:// url to test it out.
Hi all,
First post of course.
Here is my story...

Wife wants ABC to watch some garbage she missed the other night, and doesn't want to watch on laptop.

I Google, find most awesome plugin, and install.

ABC not working...

Read first 30 pages of thread, then skip to end and see this is a recent bug.

I'm no python programmer, but I don't see anything wrong with the script, and the xml feed looks fine for the listing of available items.

looks like it's choking on this line

tabs_set = makeDict(re.compile('tabs.set\(\{(.+?)\}\);').findall(data)[0])

makeDict is expecting to see some specially formatted comma separated array of quote wrapped, colon separated somethings. But apparently is no longer getting what it expects.

Anyone know how to debug these types of addons, or is this typically something that gets patched quickly?


Hulu has ABC content
Welcome to the XBMC forums.

(2013-03-07, 03:41)t4thfavor Wrote: Anyone know how to debug these types of addons, or is this typically something that gets patched quickly?

This is a third-party add-on, so if you're looking for a "formal" patch, you'll have to wait for the author to do it. Otherwise, you'll have to wait for someone else to come up with a patch and post it here... or you can try your hand at it and, if you are successful, post the fix here for others. Smile
I write code for a living, just not Python on Linux running off an embedded board Sad

I got the debugger working late last night, and I'm thinking that it will take me a bit to get it right since I'm not king of my TV at home...

I also found that the error is somewhere in the routines that parse the season information for a given show, and that it's likely happening on the ABCFamily module as well.

I will post back here if I get anything working, but if not maybe the dev will have something soon.

Here's to hoping.
One thing I did find in the syfy.py script (although it is code not being called) is the the code is

hbitrateate = -1
        sbitrate = int(common.settings['quality']) * 1024
        for item in items:
            print item
            bitrate = int(item['system-bitrate'])
            if bitrate > hbitrate and bitrate <= sbitrate:

hbitrateate is initialized to -1 .. but when a check is done later if references hbitrate

Again.. not even hitting this code, but just a note.
(2013-03-07, 03:41)t4thfavor Wrote: Hi all,
First post of course.
Here is my story...

Wife wants ABC to watch some garbage she missed the other night, and doesn't want to watch on laptop.

I Google, find most awesome plugin, and install.

ABC not working...

Read first 30 pages of thread, then skip to end and see this is a recent bug.

I'm no python programmer, but I don't see anything wrong with the script, and the xml feed looks fine for the listing of available items.

looks like it's choking on this line

tabs_set = makeDict(re.compile('tabs.set\(\{(.+?)\}\);').findall(data)[0])

makeDict is expecting to see some specially formatted comma separated array of quote wrapped, colon separated somethings. But apparently is no longer getting what it expects.

Anyone know how to debug these types of addons, or is this typically something that gets patched quickly?



LOL that line on Garbage she missed made me laugh hard
XBMC Fever..
Hi guys, I have a little problem with Free Cable. In FC each TV station has only last 10 aired episodes of series, even if most of networks have on their websites all episodes of shows (ended shows). I know that this is normal for premiere episodes and series. For example Revolution (NBC show) has 11 episodes on NBC website (url take from python source code from FC), but in FC I can see only last 10 aired episodes. This appears to be a case also with other TV networks.

Do you know if this is problem in phyton script or if it is problem on networks site?
My Free Cable shows "Error - Script Failed: plugin.video.free.cable" What can I do to repair this plugin? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
(2013-03-12, 03:42)flitardo Wrote: My Free Cable shows "Error - Script Failed: plugin.video.free.cable" What can I do to repair this plugin? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

When I get those errors I keep at it at least four or five tries and see if its possibly the network or other cause. That's usually the issue when trying to play something inside of an add-on. I use an ATV2 and FC is working fine. I don't see what your using in your post ie. xbmc FC version, hardware etc.
Thanks 1080pete. I am using ATV2 and xbmc (frodo version). Not sure what version of FC. I'll check when I get home. I have not tried launching it multiple times like you describe. All other add-ons are working OK.

Thanks again.
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[RELEASE] Free Cable - US station aggregator10