im having trouble setting up the addon. hopefully you can help me out.
to my settings so far:
- version 2.2.0
- username and password set (correctly)
- debug mode checked
-scrobble movies/tv shows checked
-sync after library update checked
-notifications checked
-simulate sync checked
- add movies / tv to tract collection checked
- update trakt movie /tv playcounts checked
- update xbmc movie /tv playcounts checked
-ratings are deactivated
tv shows and movies are scrobbled and added to the trakt library, also posting on facebook whats going on works (via the website settings).
Whats missing is the sync of tv shows and movies. i've started the addon via programs, some sort of sync dialog started but nothing further happened.
how can i get the syncing started and how is it supposed to work?
Should all my tv shows and movies be listed on the website, old watched stuff should be marked as such?
attached you will find a log. i've restarted the system, turned on debugging, manually started the app, started a tv show, and manually started the app again.