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Solved XBMC crashing on startup caused by github repos
Probably happens on Linux as only Linux links against gnutls ?

Until a linux dev has time to repro and look into it further there's not a lot can be done other than removing those repositories temporarily.
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Puzzling fact is that all that started to happen last night (about 24h ago)
Why would it work for so long and all of the sudden multiple systems goes down with same symptomps?

Is it possible that one of the internal XBMC plugins (i don't use all these repos listed in this thread) automatically downloaded same update last night? And the update is source of trouble?
I changed the time on my system, and that seems to have fixed it. I've set the time to not sync with the time servers and changed it to the correct time while xbmc is running. I haven't got a full handle on what causes and what doesn't cause the crash, but date/time has something to do with it.

This fix may crash at midnight, but I seem to be fine right now.

and just as I sent my post... CRASH!
The puzzling fact would be because github (or wherever) went and decided to change their repo layout, causing a change that now causes a crash, or gnutls was updated in Ubuntu and it's now broken.

It has nothing at all to do with XBMC or it's plugins, as they haven't changed on all these systems, and plugins have nothing to do with where the crash is happening (it's happening in core code calling gnutls while downloading the .md5 files for the repo).
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(2014-03-21, 02:49)uomiarz Wrote: Puzzling fact is that all that started to happen last night (about 24h ago)
Why would it work for so long and all of the sudden multiple systems goes down with same symptomps?

Is it possible that one of the internal XBMC plugins (i don't use all these repos listed in this thread) automatically downloaded same update last night? And the update is source of trouble?

I think it mainly has something to do with github repos since on my system there were no new updates for anything for several hours prior to the crashing. I even reinstalled my custom ~/.xbmc folder which worked just fine only hours earlier, and it crashed immediately. Thus, the only difference being the time of the night and whatever XBMC picks up from the repos upon startup.

Anyway, why XBMC on Linux crashes due to whatever is occuring on github is beyond me. Hopefully it'll get fixed soon. I know there are probably not as many Linux XBMC people on here than Windows ones, but there are still many affected.

(2014-03-21, 03:08)jmarshall Wrote: The puzzling fact would be because github (or wherever) went and decided to change their repo layout, causing a change that now causes a crash, or gnutls was updated in Ubuntu and it's now broken.

It has nothing at all to do with XBMC or it's plugins, as they haven't changed on all these systems, and plugins have nothing to do with where the crash is happening (it's happening in core code calling gnutls while downloading the .md5 files for the repo).

While it may not technically have anything to do with XBMC, there is something in how the Linux version of XBMC handles the change on github that is at least partially to blame for why its crashing (rather than simply stating an error with those repos). As I noticed no new updates with gnutls or anything the few hours prior to the start of the crashing last night, I don't think it was any update to Ubuntu (or Linux Mint). And after reading your post here on it being something inside the core code itself called gnutls, it is probably mostly github. Although, if Linux's XBMC could simply ignore these errors rather than crashing, that would be better. Wink
For what it's worth, the time the crash begins to happen when the time is between March 20 12:35:30 and March 20 12:35:45.
My repo (am surprised to see so many using it!) - does not by default use https I think:

    <extension point="xbmc.addon.repository"
             name="bossanova808's XBMC Addon Repository">
    <info compressed="false">http://github.com/bossanova808/repository.bossanova808/raw/master/staging/addons.xml</info>
    <datadir zip="true">http://github.com/bossanova808/repository.bossanova808/raw/master/repository-downloads/</datadir>

On windows it just remains empty, I have not yet tried a linux client.

Repo available here: https://github.com/bossanova808/reposito...-0.1.8.zip
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
If you fetch


it redirects to


I suspect it's these links that are causing the issue.
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Ok. So the crashes are coused with repos from github that redirects to raw. link. If repo does not use newer links with raw at the beginning it crashes xbmc.

This is from repo that does not crashes XBMC and uses newer raw. links:
<info compressed="true">http://raw.github.com/queeup/repository.queeup/frodo/addons.xml</info>
    <datadir zip="true">http://raw.github.com/queeup/repository.queeup/frodo/download</datadir>

The one that uses older links, like this one:
        <info compressed="false">http://github.com/t0mm0/t0mm0-xbmc-plugins/raw/master/addons.xml</info>
        <datadir zip="true">http://github.com/t0mm0/t0mm0-xbmc-plugins/raw/master/repo/</datadir>

Will crash XBMC as soon as it starts to refresh from repo. The crash is coused with wrong <info compressed="false"> and <checksum>.
Changing data on repo from t0mm0 to something like this will not crash xbmc anymore even if the datadir is not right:

    <extension point="xbmc.addon.repository" name="t0mm0's XBMC Addon Repository">
        <info compressed="false">http://raw.githubusercontent.com/t0mm0/t0mm0-xbmc-plugins/master/addons.xml</info>
        <datadir zip="true">http://github.com/t0mm0/t0mm0-xbmc-plugins/raw/master/repo/</datadir>

XBMC will also crashed if in repo https links are called like in this example:
    <extension point="xbmc.addon.repository" name="t0mm0's XBMC Addon Repository">
        <info compressed="false">https://raw.githubusercontent.com/t0mm0/t0mm0-xbmc-plugins/master/addons.xml</info>
        <datadir zip="true">http://github.com/t0mm0/t0mm0-xbmc-plugins/raw/master/repo/</datadir>
Hello gents I'm new to linux but am a keen user if xbmc on linux mint.
I have a few questions 1. Where do I find the info on how to access the location of said repo's
2. How do I delete said repo's after locating them.
I appreciate any and advice.
Thank you in advance.
(2014-03-21, 08:12)illiac4 Wrote: Ok. So the crashes are coused with repos from github that redirects to raw. link. If repo does not use newer links with raw at the beginning it crashes xbmc.

This is from repo that does not crashes XBMC and uses newer raw. links:
<info compressed="true">http://raw.github.com/queeup/repository.queeup/frodo/addons.xml</info>
    <datadir zip="true">http://raw.github.com/queeup/repository.queeup/frodo/download</datadir>

The one that uses older links, like this one:
        <info compressed="false">http://github.com/t0mm0/t0mm0-xbmc-plugins/raw/master/addons.xml</info>
        <datadir zip="true">http://github.com/t0mm0/t0mm0-xbmc-plugins/raw/master/repo/</datadir>

Will crash XBMC as soon as it starts to refresh from repo. The crash is coused with wrong <info compressed="false"> and <checksum>.
Changing data on repo from t0mm0 to something like this will not crash xbmc anymore even if the datadir is not right:

    <extension point="xbmc.addon.repository" name="t0mm0's XBMC Addon Repository">
        <info compressed="false">http://raw.githubusercontent.com/t0mm0/t0mm0-xbmc-plugins/master/addons.xml</info>
        <datadir zip="true">http://github.com/t0mm0/t0mm0-xbmc-plugins/raw/master/repo/</datadir>

XBMC will also crashed if in repo https links are called like in this example:
    <extension point="xbmc.addon.repository" name="t0mm0's XBMC Addon Repository">
        <info compressed="false">https://raw.githubusercontent.com/t0mm0/t0mm0-xbmc-plugins/master/addons.xml</info>
        <datadir zip="true">http://github.com/t0mm0/t0mm0-xbmc-plugins/raw/master/repo/</datadir>

So are you saying if we try those links on Github inside the addons.xmls that don't work and manually change them (so long as they aren't https ones), they will work? To note, some of mine are https, so I guess they aren't fixable at this time.
I can't reproduce this on ubuntu precise. No crash, the repo just stays empty. Looks like we don't follow the redirects:

10:43:00 T:2916088640 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0xaed1d2e0) http://github.com/bossanova808/repositor...ns.xml.md5
10:43:01 T:2916088640 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: SSL connect error(35)
10:43:01 T:2916088640 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
10:43:01 T:2916088640 ERROR: Open - failed to open source <http://github.com/bossanova808/repository.bossanova808/raw/master/staging/addons.xml.md5>
10:43:01 T:2916088640 DEBUG: CFileCache::Open - opening <bossanova808/repository.bossanova808/raw/master/staging/addons.xml> using cache
10:43:01 T:2916088640 DEBUG: Using proxy, type 0
10:43:01 T:2916088640 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0xaed03cc8) http://github.com/bossanova808/repositor...addons.xml
10:43:02 T:2916088640 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: SSL connect error(35)
10:43:02 T:2916088640 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.

Note that I have to use a proxy here at work, so that might make a difference.

Did anyone having this issue do an apt-get update && apt-get upgrade? If not, worth a try.

edit: just noticed libcurl on precise is linked against gnutls and libssl(which is a part of openssl)
I could change my links to the raw.github version but I guess it won't help as it will try the old links before it gets the newer ones, right?
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
Ok, done - seems to work here - https://github.com/bossanova808/reposito...-0.1.9.zip

..but probably people need to manually update to this...
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
- You can identify the repositories that cause the crash by navigating to your addons folder and using:

find . -name 'addon.xml' -exec grep -Hn github {} \; | grep raw

- Remove or move those folders out of the way and remove the Addons16.db from your userdata.
- Restart XBMC

Update: preliminary findings seem to suggest something going wrong in libgnutls when it tries to work with the server certificate from https://raw.githubusercontent.com
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XBMC crashing on startup caused by github repos1