Thanks for the work on your great skin Jeroen, here's a few things I've spotted since installing, this is on a 'clean' Gotham system running on OpenElec.
Quote:Quote:Also occasionally I seem to have missing icons for Video en Picture settings in settings menu.
That's really weird, as they're just static textures. If you find a way to reproduce consistently please let me know.
This happens consistently for me, both seemed to be caused by case mismatch (settings.xml looking for DefaultVideo.png and DefaultPicture.png whilst the files are named defaultvideo.png and defaultPicture.png respectively. Renaming solved the issue for me).
Some other bugs:
- I'm not getting any unwatched indicators in any view types for TV or Movies. Perhaps this is filename case related, I'll investigate further.
EDIT: Yes, renaming the file to 'OverlayUnwatched.png' from 'OverlayUnWatched.png' solves the problem for me.
- In the 'Customize Home menu' dialogue the Disc toggle seems to reversed. i.e. to not show on the home menu the setting must be 'enabled'
- In the 'Peripherals' dialogue, the Settings and OK buttons are switched.
Things that are matter of opinion:
- The grey text on silver dialogue box can be difficult to read, it would be easier if the text was a bit darker.
- The inactive spin control cannot be seen when a setting is focused, this looks strange to my eye.