Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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Release Maximinimalism (Kodi Helix)
You and me both.
Bitcoin donations: 1Hvo9rWzhAVbuPrshgaGZaD7qcLFTCPuiv
[Skin] Pellucid
[Skin] Maximinimalism
Also just letting you know that my log file throws up errors when I use image 6 as the background (the road). Doesn't do it for any of the other images though.
How bizarre. Thanks - i'll look into it.
Bitcoin donations: 1Hvo9rWzhAVbuPrshgaGZaD7qcLFTCPuiv
[Skin] Pellucid
[Skin] Maximinimalism

first of all, kudos for your hard work. This skin is my personal favourite since its first release.

Since I upgraded to Kodi I have a problem with the link to RCB in home doesn't do anything. Launching RCB from Programs works just fine. kodi.log when selecting RCB from home shows:

00:22:31 T:140066064168704 NOTICE: RCB Service: Start
00:22:31 T:140066064168704 NOTICE: RCB Service: launch RCB on startup = false
00:22:31 T:140066064168704 NOTICE: RCB Service: scrape games on startup = false
00:22:31 T:140066064168704 NOTICE: RCB Service: Done
00:24:38 T:140066016941824 NOTICE: RCB started
00:24:38 T:140066016941824 NOTICE: RCB: sys.argv = ['']
00:24:38 T:140066016941824 NOTICE: RCB: param =
00:24:38 T:140066016941824 NOTICE: RCB: launchRCB = False

Any idea why?
@fipm: Thanks for reporting. Tracked it down - latest version on Github will fix that for you.

For all RCB users: Helix has borked a few RCB dialogs here and there it seems. I'll be getting them fixed up for the next release.
Bitcoin donations: 1Hvo9rWzhAVbuPrshgaGZaD7qcLFTCPuiv
[Skin] Pellucid
[Skin] Maximinimalism
@Zenithede: I can't replicate the issue with background6. Could you please supply a log?
Bitcoin donations: 1Hvo9rWzhAVbuPrshgaGZaD7qcLFTCPuiv
[Skin] Pellucid
[Skin] Maximinimalism
(2015-01-22, 15:32)thedeadman Wrote: @fipm: Thanks for reporting. Tracked it down - latest version on Github will fix that for you.

For all RCB users: Helix has borked a few RCB dialogs here and there it seems. I'll be getting them fixed up for the next release.

Confirmed. It works fine now. Brilliant!
Heres what I'm talking about-

22:28:06 T:3037810688 WARNING: COMXImageFile::GetCodingType progressive images not supported by decoder
22:28:06 T:3037810688 ERROR: COMXImageFile::ReadFile special://skin/extras/backgrounds/background006.jpg GetCodingType=0x7fffffff
22:28:06 T:3037810688 NOTICE: LoadJpeg: unable to load special://skin/extras/backgrounds/background006.jpg
22:40:51 T:2537550912 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
Interesting. Does the image actually load in the end?

I'll reencode the jpeg. That should fix it I would guess.
Bitcoin donations: 1Hvo9rWzhAVbuPrshgaGZaD7qcLFTCPuiv
[Skin] Pellucid
[Skin] Maximinimalism
Changed to this skin after Helix and glad I did. Simply elegant and simplistic in the right way. One question though, any way I could get the Music "black" screen (pressing Display) to bee completely black? Not afraid changing your files Smile
Thanks Berz. Someone else has asked me the same thing. Can I confirm by 'black' screen you mean 'without any background' (but with the track details text) or completely blank with no text / graphics at all?

The first i'm happy to implement, the second will have to be a custom mod.
Bitcoin donations: 1Hvo9rWzhAVbuPrshgaGZaD7qcLFTCPuiv
[Skin] Pellucid
[Skin] Maximinimalism
Hey thedeadman - I downloaded the latest version of openelec (5.0 stable), but there was no skin in the repository. I then tried to install from zip (using the latest from github) - is this an openelec issue (they need to update something??)? I like the simplicity of openelec but if its a choice of having to wait for them to sort things I think i'll try the kodiUbuntu distro as I'd much rather just have your skin working!!
@kitsunegari: Definitely not an Openelec issue - probably just a temporary Kodi repo problem (happens from time to time).

Stick with Openelec is my strong advice.
Bitcoin donations: 1Hvo9rWzhAVbuPrshgaGZaD7qcLFTCPuiv
[Skin] Pellucid
[Skin] Maximinimalism
fusion/tv addons site is gone why

Keep up the good work, love the updates you're making for the skin. I dont know if you are aware of the following even though you said this part was still under heavy development;

As I said before on the recents/latest item screen:

(2015-01-12, 17:13)svenbravo7 Wrote: Hi,

Maybe it is just me but:

- When you mark something as watched on the 'latest/recent' screen everything of that category (movie,tvshow) will be marked. For example; If I mark movie A as watched all movies are marked as watched.

- Also there is no context menu available from this screen (pressing C or rightclick) in which you can rename, remove, mark-as-watched etc.

- Perhaps you changed it along the way, but when I have watched something I no longer want to see it on the recent screen. At the moment it stays visible untill new stuff has been added. Seems fixed now

(2015-01-27, 18:34)kitsunegari Wrote: Hey thedeadman - I downloaded the latest version of openelec (5.0 stable), but there was no skin in the repository. I then tried to install from zip (using the latest from github) - is this an openelec issue (they need to update something??)? I like the simplicity of openelec but if its a choice of having to wait for them to sort things I think i'll try the kodiUbuntu distro as I'd much rather just have your skin working!!

First of all, dont think this is the place for your problem. But... I had this problem myself. You have to check-for-updates 'once' for your add-ons before trying to search for anything. After it is done updating the search worked and I could install the new skin.
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Maximinimalism (Kodi Helix)0